3 key points about bipolar disorder

Bipolar disorder is one of the most commonly treated pathologies in psychiatry clinics. It is characterized by an alteration in the patient’s mood, alternating between phases of euphoria, depressive phases, mixed phases and periods of normal mood. The illness has a tendency to become chronic.

Symptoms of bipolar disorder

The main symptoms are:

  • Manic symptoms: phases of euphoria mood elevation and hyperactivity, decreased need for sleep, accelerated thinking and speech, risky and inappropriate behaviors, excessive spending, etc.
  • Depressive symptoms: sad mood, difficulty concentrating, feelings of guilt and sadness, hopelessness, decreased energy, decreased interest in former activities, irritability, decreased libido and appetite, sleep disturbances, etc.

Causes of bipolar disorder

There are several facts and factors that can facilitate the presentation of bipolar disorder, almost all of them related to genetic factors and alterations in the structure, neurotransmission and brain function.

Also, negative or stressful events, such as death, dismissal, divorce or change of residence can precipitate the onset of this disease. The family component is very present in this pathology; 50% of patients may have a first-degree relative with the same problem.

Treatment of bipolar disorder

Treatment is mainly pharmacological and psychotherapeutic. Psychoeducation, psychotherapy and family approach can be very beneficial for awareness and self-knowledge of this condition, improving prognosis and reducing the impact of relapses in the patient’s life and environment.

As it is a chronic disease, medication should be adjusted during periods of depression and mania and should be considered in the long term with maintenance treatment, aiming to improve the patient’s quality of life and avoiding or cushioning relapses. Each case should be evaluated individually and the different therapeutic actions should be adapted and combined. There are treatment guidelines that can serve as a reference.