Live longer and better thanks to the stimulation of the mind

At times, people may feel some distress for no apparent reason. We feel apathy, the things we once enjoyed are indifferent to us and we hardly have any illusion.

We may feel a lack of strength and energy, with a different character that leads us to sit on the couch or in bed and not want to do more so that no one bothers us. Sometimes it is insomnia, difficulties in controlling our impulses or conflicts with friends and/or family that cause our life to be disrupted. Problems seem to pile up, school or work performance drops, relationships with friends and family begin to deteriorate….

When this happens, go to a specialist. Ementis professionals will always be ready to lend you a hand.

The role of the family

In many cases, it is the family itself that realizes that something is wrong, and despite the fact that in most cases people deny that they are ill, it is necessary that they receive adequate attention, since a large number of diseases and pathologies prevent the person who suffers from being aware that he/she needs help. In this way, a treatment that would prevent the problems from worsening is delayed. To this end, Ementis offers home and online care in the required cases.

In the case of children, the warning signs are decreased school performance, problems with peers, extreme apathy, sadness, aggressiveness…. In these cases and when there is a family dynamic such as separations or stress problems, it is recommended to see a specialist.

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Don’t give it another thought

“It’s a pity we didn’t do it before”. This is precisely the feeling that most patients who have seen a specialist have. It is a worldwide tendency to put things off until tomorrow, thus chronifying problems. However, when confronted, we realize that we have more capacity than we thought and that, after a difficult path, we can feel good again. It is then that we look back, and satisfied, we say to ourselves “I made it.”