Importance of personalized diet for weight loss and body shape maintenance

What is a personalized diet?

A personalized diet is one that is prepared specifically for a patient, taking into account their individual characteristics, personal and family history, associated pathologies, nutritional habits and even their emotional state and type of work they do.

Differences between a personalized diet and a conventional diet

Conventional diets are balanced from a nutritional point of view and with the calories ingested calculated, but they do not take into account other factors. To be understood, they are those that are previously printed inside a drawer in the doctor’s office. On the other hand, the personalized diet is tailored to the patient.

Aspects to take into account when programming a diet

When planning a diet, an anthropometric and nutritional study should be made beforehand by a physician expert in Aesthetic Medicine and Nutrition, accompanied by a good medical history with personal and family history, as well as a blood test. In addition, it is important that the diet is accompanied by adequate physical activity.

Results of the personalized diet

When we have reached the desired weight, maintenance begins, which is essential for permanent results. It is common sense to think that, if we return to our old habits, we will progressively regain the weight.

How to maintain weight and figure

To maintain the weight and figure achieved after carrying out a personalized diet we must love ourselves very much and think that the sacrifice is worth it, for the improvement of our image and, above all, the health of our body.