Fight cellulite and localized fat before summer: Sculpture 360º Plan

Once summer arrives, when it comes to exposing our body, body problems such as cellulite, localized fat or flaccidity are the ones we are most concerned about. However, to attack the problem from all angles and ensure that the results are maintained, the approach should never be unidirectional.
To this end, the Institut Doctor Natalia Ribé has a personalized protocol, Sculpture 360º – in honor of the sculptures of Classical Greece, the peak of the development of sculptural art in Ancient Greece – to address the problem of cellulite and localized fat before the summer, from all possible angles: Aesthetic Medicine, cabin treatments, topical creams and nutricosmetics.

The combined protocol to be followed would consist of the following treatments:

Mesotherapy to get rid of orange peel skin or cellulite

Body mesotherapy is a technique indicated to treat localized fat and improve the appearance of the skin, thus considerably reducing the dreaded orange peel or cellulite.
By injecting small doses of homeopathic drugs, it is possible to improve local circulation and reduce the accumulation of localized fat in the cartridge cases and inner thighs, as well as in the abdomen, arms and double chin.
Thus, mesotherapy injections solubilize and extract toxic extracellular elements, reduce the acid present in the extracellular matrix, improve tissue oxygenation, improve cellular restructuring and normalize the physiological function of the adipocytes of the subcutaneous adipose tissue.
The treatment as such usually requires between eight and ten sessions, on a weekly basis.

Firming the silhouette with multipolar radiofrequency, magnetic therapy and suction: eliminate localized fat.

This is a non-invasive technology with which to eliminate fat in the buttocks, firm the skin, reduce cellulite and flaccidity, to reshape the silhouette with a 4D vision of the cells. In this sense, it is indicated for patients who have accumulated fat that is difficult to reduce and body flaccidity, making it ideal as a shock treatment to look good for the summer.
This technology produces a dense and uniform heating on the skin, which generates the synthesis of collagen and its contraction, a proliferation of fibroblasts, neovascularization and lipolysis.
The recommendation is around eight to ten sessions, one per week. Once the process is done, the patient does not need recovery time and, at the end of the session, can return to normal life.

Carboxytherapy to combat cellulite and fat accumulation.

This technique consists in the injection of medical CO2 in the subcutaneous tissues, which improves the production of collagen, the elasticity of the skin and provides better oxygenation of the different layers of the skin, so in addition to being effective to combat cellulite and localized fat, it is also ideal to combat flaccidity and skin aging.
The recommended number of sessions is between eight and ten, on a weekly basis, and the time per session varies between half an hour and an hour.

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Lipo-reducing cabin treatment: the cellulite solution

It is the so-called cabin treatment to combat cellulite or orange peel skin. Thus, by means of massage, different products with different active ingredients are applied, ranging from exfoliants and rubefacients to prepare the area, concentrated lipo-reducing product, draining cream and firming venotonic lotion.
The recommended number of sessions is estimated between eight and ten, on a weekly basis, and the duration of each session is approximately one hour.

Topical anti-cellulite treatment to apply at home

At the Institut Natalia Ribé, specific creams are available to firm and shape the figure, as well as to combat cellulite. These lotions should be applied at home, in order to prolong and maintain the good results achieved by the previous treatments.

NR Nutricosmetics to eliminate localized fat

– Fat burner: raspberry ketone intervenes in the regulation of glucose and fatty acid metabolism. Thus, it helps control problems such as type two diabetes, obesity, non-alcoholic fatty liver disease and metabolic syndrome, among others. In turn, it also contributes to the release of norepinephrine, increasing body temperature and helping to burn fat, increasing metabolism.
In addition, African mango, green tea and L-Carnitine act directly on fat metabolism and appetite, also helping to reduce cholesterol and triglyceride levels in the blood, and lowering blood pressure.

– Fluid drainage: through a combination of certain ingredients, it helps to fight cellulite and fluid retention. For example, artichoke is purgative, choleretic, hypolipidemic and hepatoprotective; rosemary is digestive, carminative, cholagogue and antispasmodic; dandelion is a great cholagogue, laxative, choleretic and depurative. Bitter chamomile is anti-inflammatory and digestive; pineapple is anti-inflammatory, digestive and diuretic, as is sarsaparilla.
However, specialists in Aesthetic Medicine consider it vitally important for patients to adopt healthy lifestyle habits, eat a balanced diet, drink plenty of water in order to eliminate toxins, do sports and avoid, whenever possible, express diets that have a yo-yo effect.