What is presbyopia or eyestrain?

In recent years, with the development of new technologies we make more use and abuse of electronic devices with screens (mobiles, tablets, computers, etc.) that suppose an overexertion for our eyes.

Due to this situation, presbyopia has been declared the most common visual problem among Spaniards and its incidence is increasing. It is currently estimated that it affects more than 80% of people over 45 years of age and the vast majority of those over 65. In other words, practically all of us will end up developing eyestrain at some point.

What is presbyopia or eyestrain?

Presbyopia, also known as eyestrain, occurs as a result of the normal deterioration of the crystalline lens, which is the eye’s natural lens. With advancing age, especially after 40 or 45 years of age, this lens becomes less flexible and rigid. In addition, the ciliary muscle, the one in charge of flexing it, loses accommodation capacity. All this reduces the focusing ability and makes correct near vision impossible.

This type of pathology is not a disease, not even a disorder. It is a phenomenon linked to longevity. For example, cavemen and cavewomen did not suffer from presbyopia, why? Because very few of them lived past the age of 40.

Symptoms of eyestrain

This visual impairment manifests itself through the inability to focus on ‘close-up’ objects correctly, usually at a distance of less than one meter. Therefore, it negatively affects tasks that require close visual precision such as reading, sewing, among others.

If it is not corrected and the effort to try to focus sharply is constant, symptoms such as headache or fatigue and visual tiredness may appear, more intense at the end of the day. If any of these signs appear, specialists recommend seeing an ophthalmologist for a complete examination to confirm the diagnosis.

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Risk factors for eyestrain

Eyestrain is an aging process, so its main risk factor is age. Even so, there are other variables that can accelerate its onset:

  • The genetics of each person and their own aging.
  • Daily activity and ocular overexertion with long days of reading, use of electronic devices, etcetera.
  • Optical aspects of the eye. Patients with previous myopia tend to develop this condition later than those who are farsighted or emmetropic, i.e., those who have never needed glasses.

How to get rid of eyestrain

There are several options for eliminating the symptoms of presbyopia. The first is optical correction with glasses or contact lenses, but this can lead to other problems or discomfort.

The second option is surgical correction. In this case, each case is studied in a personalized way and the different procedures on the market are offered, applying the one that best suits each situation:

  • 100% laser technique. This treatment is completely painless and of very short duration, about three minutes per eye. It rejuvenates the vision to see up close without glasses and allows the personalization of the treatment in patients who also suffer from myopia, hyperopia or astigmatism.
  • Intraocular lenses. This technique consists in the extraction of the crystalline lens and the implantation, in its place, of a graduated intraocular lens. Through this method it is possible to put an end to both eyestrain and cataracts.
  • Corneal implants. More recently, a series of implants have been developed that are placed in the thickness of the cornea of a single eye and facilitate near focusing.

It should be noted that the eye with eyestrain is a healthy eye.