Prejuvenation: healthy treatments

As the saying goes it is better to be safe than sorry. Aesthetic Medicine currently has a tendency every day that people start to take care of themselves younger and younger.

From the age of 25 the aging process begins in our body, there is a drop in the secretion of growth hormone and from the age of 30 the natural production of collagen decreases. By this I mean that the countdown to the appearance of signs of flaccidity, hyperpigmentation or spots, fine wrinkles, dilated pores, dynamic expression wrinkles, etc. begins.

This makes us think of a concept that right now is a top trend in aesthetic medicine and that is Prejuvenation. It is the concept that so far I am personally very happy to transmit because it is realistic and healthy.

To the question of what can and should we do when we are young and what not? We would answer it with Prejuvenation. This is how we define this trend in Aesthetic Medicine today.

I would like to make a list of healthy treatments to start taking our first steps in Aesthetic Medicine in a preventive way and also to encourage us to pamper and take care of ourselves, and be happier. If we feel and look good physically we see life in a different and more beautiful way, and we enjoy it.

It seems to me a good occasion to think more about ourselves and how we lead our lives on a daily basis after this past “mandatory break”, to stop limiting ourselves and to stop putting things or habits that take us away from our moments of happiness and, on the contrary, take it away from us on a daily basis, besides, if we are happy we can offer the same to others and that is happiness. And here I try to leave my mark and contribute with my introspective, reflective and philosophical side I start.

Nutrition and lifestyle

First and foremost, we are what we eat. Nutrition and lifestyle are fundamental to our health. If we consume toxic products, junk food without schedules between them and we do not have a schedule of wakefulness and sleep; and we lead a sedentary life I invite you to ask yourself how is our health, how old am I, what are my habits and what lifestyle I lead and have led, how is my skin, what does my look express, is it tired, and many questions that will help us to situate our health. And many questions that will help us to situate ourselves in order to change habits if and when we want to and it is our time to do so.

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Blood group: weight loss, nutrition, healthy lifestyle habits.

Did you know that we can lose weight, avoid fluid retention, be longer-lived and healthier and even improve many pathologies by simply knowing our blood group? There are, according to our blood group, foods, exercises and even supplementation with minerals, vitamins and substances that are either beneficial or neutral; or on the contrary they are poison for us and simply by avoiding them or adding them to our diet we can worsen or improve our health, our weight and our pathologies.

A long time ago, Dr. Peter J. de Adamo established a theory that was widely accepted in society, helped many people and introduced the different blood groups into healthy living habits.

For example, I am group B. In this sense, personally my weak point is my digestive system; all my life, as it is the most normal thing and they are included within the healthy groups, I have eaten chicken and tomato and it turns out that I have those two foods as poison for my organism. All this has a scientific explanation. The responsible ones are called lectins, which are natural proteins found in food and, depending on our blood group, we react better or worse to each of them.

Help you to know yourself better, and not only through the blood group, to embark on the new course towards a state of impeccable health, to deflate and not feel fatigued or exhausted. On the contrary, with lots of energy and lose those extra kilos that have come even with menopause.

Redensification: from peeling to pinching

Redensification is one of my favorite treatments and now of many of my patients for the prevention and improvement in the appearance of wrinkles and signs of aging. It activates skin cell functions, providing improved texture, radiance, elasticity and hydration.

It is the first hyaluronic acid that has the ability to be combined with a dermo-restructuring complex to achieve three unified actions in a single treatment:

  • Restructuring action
  • Cellular regeneration
  • Effect

Redensification, unlike botulinum toxin, does not paralyze the muscle, but fills and corrects wrinkles, perfectly respecting the expression of the face, but without giving volume to the face.

In the consultation I can inform you if this treatment is indicated for you and how many sessions you would need and the time interval between each of the sessions.