How to avoid complications in implant treatments

The search for immediacy in dental implant treatments is becoming more and more common. For this reason, one of the most common procedures are same-day implants or immediate loading implants.

The search for immediacy allows the treatment to have the shortest possible duration. Although it is not always possible to place implants and crowns or fixed prostheses on the same day, there are currently a large number of cases in which this technique can be used.

This type of treatment allows the patient to recover his or her functionality more quickly, so that he or she can resume his or her life with complete normality.

Many patients are not aware of the difficulties caused by the loss of teeth from both a mechanical and esthetic point of view. In addition, many individuals choose implant treatments after a long period of time using removable prostheses. Over time, removable prostheses can cause other pathologies: loss of bone mass, decreased facial height, thinning of the lips and prognathic appearance of the face.

Therefore, the surgeon must strive to return the patient to normality in the shortest possible time, achieving a satisfactory, healthy and lasting result.

Accurate diagnosis, specialization and dental technology

The most important thing in the whole process is to make an accurate diagnosis. In this sense, specialization in dental implants is one of the key factors in making an adequate diagnosis, since it allows the most appropriate surgical approach to be chosen in each case. On the other hand, the use of digital tools and guided surgery devices become key to the success of the treatment.

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In fact, these instruments allow implant integration to provide immediate functionality without having to wait for osseointegration to occur. Likewise, the quality of the materials is another element in achieving immediate treatment.