Execution and maintenance protocols: keys to the success of dental implants

Dental implantology is a very important procedure for restoring lost teeth and restoring the patient’s dental functionality and smile. In fact, implants bring more advantages than other dental restoration techniques, such as removable prostheses, because the final result is better and also the reliability in the long term. Well cared for implants can last a lifetime.

Although there are those who claim that dental implants sooner or later fail and must be replaced, studies on implant treatments in the last 20 years indicate that the success rate of dental implants is over 90%. This is a very relevant fact, taking into account the large number of implants placed. However, due to the fact that there are more people who have implants, in absolute terms there has been an increase in the number of failures or re-treatments, something that is not due to a rejection by the body.

Dr. Fernández Bustillo, a specialist in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, explains that implants are made of biocompatible materials. When they fail, the cause usually lies in a number of reasons, which can include problems in the initial treatment or the evolution of the patient’s dental health, which are also responsible for taking care of the implants. Dr. Bustillo explains that the keys to the long-term viability of implants depend on the fact of applying a series of implementation and maintenance protocols, something that begins with the design of the treatment and continues with a regular review of the work carried out, with the patient’s commitment.

How important are protocols to ensure the success of dental implants?

After 20 years of experience and having placed thousands of implants, it can be assured that clear protocols for the execution and maintenance of implants are essential to achieve long-term success. This work methodology combines specialization, experience, quality of materials and technological innovation. This is the only way to guarantee safe, long-lasting and predictable treatments for the patient.

Correct diagnosis and planning are essential for the success of dental implants.

The correct diagnosis, planning and technique for each type of patient is the first step in achieving successful treatment. The specialist seeks to achieve immediate stability of the implants in the bone, and therein lies the long-term survival of the implant. Therefore, it is very important to evaluate the bone mass (in case a regenerative treatment should be applied), to determine the most effective type of implant and to decide which surgical approach will allow to achieve this stability.

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How to achieve a high degree of precision in dental implantology?

Professional training and the use of the appropriate technological resources will guarantee precision in implant dentistry. Dr. Bustillo has specialized in implants for many years and has integrated digital tools to diagnose and plan the treatment, share information with the dental laboratory and perform interventions with guided surgery devices. Thanks to digitization, time is shortened, less invasive procedures are performed and the patient can be reassured to better understand the phases of the treatment and see what the result will be like.

What role do the materials play in the success of the treatment?

There are numerous options for dental implant materials and components. All of them can be valid if they respond to the needs of the treatment and what the patient expects, since the patient must know in detail what materials and elements are placed in his mouth.

The patient should always opt for top quality materials, without skimping on means when selecting implants and components. They will be one of the bases for guaranteeing that the implant will not fail in the future.

How does patient involvement influence the success of dental implants?

The behavior and involvement of patients is very important, especially in the appearance of other pathologies. Bruxism, stress or undiagnosed malocclusion problems can deteriorate the treatment. But, undoubtedly, it is the negligent or careless attitude that can cause treatments to fail. Sometimes the patient forgets that an implant is the result of the deterioration of the dental pieces. If, after undergoing dental implant treatment, we continue to maintain a lack of oral hygiene, or harmful habits (smoking and poor diet), it is possible to suffer some implant disease.

On the other hand, maintenance visits are very important to check the hygiene of the implants and the stability and density of the bone. The success of dental implants lies in a doctor-patient responsibility that should not be forgotten.