Natural Remedies for Cold and Congestion

With all of our children constantly exposed to hundreds of thousands of viruses and germs on a daily basis, it is no wonder that colds are such a common illness. However, despite the fact that it is very easy to catch, there is currently no cure.

Thus, a cold can last between four and ten days, and although there is no cure as such, there are several ways to make a child with a cold feel more comfortable.

Recommendations for treating a cold

From AIPediatrics we recommend the following natural remedies to soften the symptoms and make recovery less uncomfortable.

  • Rest: the main help for a sick person is to sleep and rest. Thus, during the hours of sleep, the body can recover while strengthening the immune system, thus fighting the virus.
  • Humidifier: at the first sign of nasal congestion or dryness, a humidifier can give great results, returning moisture to the air and reducing dryness. Whether or not to use these devices will vary depending on the humidity of each home and whether or not heating is used. If a humidifier is used, cold air humidifiers are more effective and should be used only with water, without essences.
  • Hydration: water, herbal teas and broth keep the child well hydrated while the body fights against the virus(es). In fact, they are the best mucolytics that exist. Thus, the more fluids, the more germs will be flushed out of the system.
  • Posture: in children over one year old, put a pillow as a form of support on the back, always trying to find a comfortable posture. The inclination can help the drainage of mucus, a fact that accelerates the recovery time.
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The common cold or common cold is just that, common. It is important to know how to recognize cold symptoms in young children.

However, if you are concerned that it is something more serious, or if the symptoms of the illness extend for more than ten days, you can make an appointment at AIPediatrics or consult with a Pediatric specialist.