5 myths about antidepressant pills

Antidepressants are drugs that are prescribed in cases where the symptoms of depression are intense, cause significant suffering and interfere with daily life, such as studies, work, family and social relationships, enjoyment of leisure time, etc….

  1. Antidepressants are highly addictive.

No. Antidepressants, unlike tranquilizers derived from benzodiazepines, do not present any type of biological dependence. This does not mean that they can be withdrawn abruptly.

  1. It can cure you alone with the help of antidepressants.

It will depend on the origin of the depression. If the cause is mostly biological, it would be possible. But, if the etiology is significantly influenced by personality problems and/or external events, psychotherapy would have to be added.

  1. Antidepressant drugs cause sexual dysfunction

Not all of them. Antidepressants have been appearing in recent years that do not have this side effect, although the number of those that produce it at the moment is higher.

  1. Do antidepressants change the patient’s personality?

No, not at all. There is no antidepressant drug that changes a person’s character. Personality refers to the way of being that individuals have on a regular basis, and it would only be altered if a psychotropic drug caused damage to the brain; which is not the case.

  1. Depression comes and goes by itself

In some cases (not many), yes. Even so, if the symptoms of Depression are noticeable the psychiatrist should not allow the patient to endure such suffering; moreover, it is very difficult to know in advance in which cases a depression will spontaneously remit.