The Contribution of Integrative Medicine in Pediatrics

Like any other medical specialty, Pediatrics can also benefit from the approach of Integrative Medicine, since it is a more complete approach and more faithful to the biological reality.

In Integrative Medicine, not only the physical or pathological factor is valued, but it consists of a holistic approach in which the psychological aspect and its bidirectional connections with the physical are also important. In addition, nutrition is taken into consideration as a major factor, as well as food intolerances and the state of intestinal health, especially in relation to the presence of hyperpermeable intestine and alterations of the intestinal microbiota.

What are the techniques of Integrative Medicine in Pediatrics?

In addition to conventional medicine and drugs, it is possible to use other tools such as orthomolecular supplementation, a personalized diet that takes into account possible intolerances, homeopathy and microbiota correction by eliminating intestinal parasites.

On the other hand, there are various diagnostic techniques within Integrative Medicine, such as bioresonance devices, which also have therapeutic functions in some cases, segmental and neuroadaptive medicine and conventional analytical studies.

What pathologies can be treated with Integrative Medicine techniques?

The Integrative Medicine approach can be very useful in the management of allergies, prolonged diarrhea and chronic and autoimmune diseases. In addition, in the treatment of enuresis, the application of bioresonance and neuromodulation give very positive results.
On the other hand, Integrative Medicine has a significant contribution in the treatment of psychological and maturational developmental problems, in conjunction with psychotherapeutic and pedagogical intervention. The approach to ADHD with Integrative Medicine tools is very effective in avoiding pharmacological treatment in cases where it is possible.

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In conclusion, one of the main advantages of this type of medical approach is that it has important results and no side effects.