Vaginoplasty: the importance of achieving natural and discreet results

After many years treating the improvement of the genital organs, I have been able to verify that the desire that awakens in the different age groups, is based on a common premise: the overall body beautification, since the interest to improve does not diminish with age, but rather the opposite. When performing this type of treatment, it should be taken into account the adequacy to personal expectations of proportion and, in turn, the naturalness and discretion in the results.

Why is vaginoplasty performed?

There are wide variations in both the appearance and dimensions of the labia minora, labia majora, vulva and vagina in general. There are alterations, asymmetries or even enlargements that may be present from birth and constitute a genetic aspect, or arise after maternity, including after-effects of episiotomies and weight fluctuations, or with age.

The motivations to improve their appearance and obtain a rejuvenation with harmonious results are very diverse. Patients mainly report discomfort when wearing various items of clothing, such as pants, swimwear, sportswear, or when exercising and having sexual intercourse.

What is labiaplasty and vaginal rejuvenation?

These surgical techniques of vaginoplasty seek to beautify the external genitalia and recover youthful signs. For this purpose, vulvar tightening and narrowing is performed, an increase with lipo-infiltration and even the labia majora are reduced.
In addition, there are numerous labia minora remodeling techniques adapted to the type of excess that the patient presents, or discordances in external and internal pigmentation.

Surgical alternatives

In addition to these vaginoplasty techniques, congenital alterations such as the absence of the vagina, a short or insufficient cavity, situations of ambiguity or intersexuals with inadequate genitalia and the consequences of endocrine disorders, such as an enlarged clitoris, can be corrected. Surgeries are also proposed to treat infections affecting both genders, such as chronic hydrosadenitis and pilonidal sinus.

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In other cases, the intervention is intended to repair undesirable consequences of some previous ailment or intervention, such as deformities and contractures, ritual mutilations, traumatic or even surgical mutilations due to previous tumor disease.

How should the procedure be performed? What techniques are used?

The intervention must be performed in an ideal way, if we are really looking for an excellent and stable result. It is necessary to know the specialist in Plastic Surgery and make sure that he/she has really obtained over the years a specialization in these techniques. That is to say, they must be performed in an operating room, within an approved hospital center, and never on a couch or a stretcher in a doctor’s office.

Block anesthesia and local infiltration are usually used, but without the need for hospitalization. The duration of this procedure is approximately an hour and a half, or a little more than two hours, depending on the techniques to be performed to correct all the anomalies.

What is the postoperative period of a labiaplasty?

It is a surgery that, in really expert hands, presents very low risks, with a very simple and bearable postoperative course. In order to facilitate compliance with treatment and care, detailed instructions are provided, which are easy to understand and at the same time allow great autonomy for daily life activities.

The appearance of the results obtained is immediate, although during the course of successive weeks the desired appearance is sculpted even more.

Restoration of strenuous sports activities takes place approximately one month after the intervention.