Can I wear invisible braces while playing sports?

As many of you know, invisible orthodontics has become the star treatment of Mim, Espai Dental. It is a fast, painless and effective system, capable of transforming the position of the teeth and smile in a very short time.

We often meet patients who ask us: “Can I wear invisible orthodontics while I practice sports? The answer is yes, and what’s more, here is a description of the benefits.

How do invisible aligners help protect athletes’ teeth?

  • In contact sports (tennis, soccer, basketball…) invisible aligners will be the perfect choice.
  • Thanks to the aligners, the athlete will not have to wear mouthguards and will avoid the appearance of sores and wounds.
  • It is a very comfortable system to use, invisible and that fits perfectly in the mouth. The user will be able to do sports without feeling any discomfort.
  • The aligners protect the teeth from possible blows, avoiding broken teeth.
  • Easy to clean. Once the game or sport is over, the person can remove the aligners and clean them properly.

Benefits of playing sports with invisible orthodontics

  • Improves breathing
  • Improves speed and power of movement
  • Correction of dental occlusion
  • Helps to avoid migraines caused by bruxism.
  • Aesthetics: no one will notice that you are wearing braces.