7 veneer data

Did you know that many people wear dental veneers but the rest of us don’t even notice?

Veneers are one of the most advanced treatments in dentistry in recent years, but do you know exactly what they are?

Dental veneers can solve some functional problems, but the truth is that they are one of the star treatments in dental esthetics. They are veneers that are placed on the external face of the tooth. With this technique, esthetic problems such as breaks, changes in color or malposition are solved.

What material are they made of?

In recent years, this treatment has become increasingly sophisticated. Dentists have been innovating to obtain veneers made of two different materials: porcelain and composite.

Porcelain dental veneers

These veneers are very thin shells made from porcelain. The foils are custom designed according to the patient’s needs. They are then placed on the outside of the tooth. This technique is usually more expensive than composite veneers because the results last longer and there is no need to spend an excessive amount of time on maintenance.

Composite veneers

Composite dental veneers are created directly on the tooth. A resin similar to that used in fillings is used. This paste is then shaped until the dentist obtains the desired shape. This material is less expensive, but it also requires a lot of skill from the doctor who applies it. They require a little more dedication in terms of maintenance.

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An alternative to whitening

In some cases, veneers are an alternative to teeth whitening. The difference is that the results of teeth whitening last a year, or a little longer. On the other hand, veneers usually last 8 to 10 years in the case of composite veneers and longer in the case of porcelain veneers.

Color changes

However, veneers will not always remain the same pristine white. Like teeth, veneer materials are porous (composite more than porcelain). This means that the color can change and become a little more yellowish over the years. The same care should be taken with certain foods, such as coffee, beet or red wine, as they tend to stain teeth and veneers.

Solution to diastema and other problems

Dental veneers are usually one of the options to correct diastema. This is the name given to a large interdental space between two teeth. This problem can also be solved with orthodontics, but the process takes longer. On the other hand, veneers can also eliminate other functional and esthetic problems, such as slight malpositions or color changes.

Long life

Dental veneers last an average of 10 to 15 years, as long as proper hygiene and gingival health are maintained. During the period, you should visit the dentist regularly, but no more than anyone else who takes care of your smile.