What is the result of rhinoplasty?

Rhinoplasty is a surgical technique designed mainly to solve aesthetic problems of the nose, such as bony hump, deviations or congenital malformations. This technique allows to increase or reduce the size of both the nose and the nostrils, stylize the tip or the angle between the upper lip and nose. It is also used to correct cases of nasal breathing problems due to obstruction.

The objective of rhinoplasty is to restore facial harmony to the patient, practiced under local anesthesia in minor procedures and in other cases under general anesthesia.

Currently, the results of rhinoplasty are natural, being the scar barely noticeable thanks to the advance in the techniques of approach that require approximately 2-3 hours of intervention, although in some cases may require a longer time.

Recovery is usually fast, without extending beyond 24-48 hours for the removal of the plugs that is applied to the patient at the end of the intervention, after which some bruising may appear.

Rhinoplasty techniques

The technique consists in the elimination or contribution of part of these structures, always depending on the results to be obtained, always done through intra-nasal wounds, which are always intended to disguise the subsequent scars of surgery.

Another common technique is open rhinoplasty which is performed in cases of significant deformities in the tip of the nose or in cases of patients who have not obtained a good result after a normal rhinoplasty. In this case the problem presented is the edema that is always more persistent, delaying the result.

In cases where the cause of the intervention is only aesthetic and the deformity to be treated is not too serious, it is advisable to wait until after the age of majority; however, in cases where the deformity is very serious, the intervention can be performed at any age, even at very early ages, such as childhood.

Result of rhinoplasty: before and after

The results are not immediate but are noticed gradually during the first year, and are noticeable after 15 days of the intervention, after which the results appear progressively.

Rhinoplasty is an intervention that at a certain point has been diminished in demand despite being an intervention of great impact by affecting an element of the face that has great importance.

In fact, the shape of the nose is the one that most of the population expresses its dissatisfaction with its shape. It is also a type of intervention that causes greater fears and doubts due to the total lack of knowledge about the final result obtained, since in any case, once the intervention has been performed, even if the results are not the ones desired by the patient, it is impossible to hide or conceal a bad result.

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As we have pointed out before, the intervention is performed under general anesthesia, although it is true that sometimes the surgeon can do it under local anesthesia, always depending on the specific case.

The area of action of the specialist in Plastic Surgery is the bony and cartilaginous structure that forms the skeleton, depending on these the size and shape of the nose.

Rhinoplasty postoperative period

The postoperative process of rhinoplasty is uncomfortable, and is that after the intervention the nostrils are occluded with plugs that do not allow normal breathing through the nose. These plugs are removed between 24 and 48 hours after the intervention, and their extraction, in many cases, can be painful (although it is not always the case).

The reason why this procedure is not painful is because the patient’s nose is prevented from moving by means of a cast for one or two weeks. What does occur is the appearance of bruising and swelling around the eyes. But these hematomas disappear gradually and spontaneously.

It should be noted that adhesive strips are applied under the nose splint, one of which pulls the tip of the nose upwards in order to facilitate healing. This is the reason why the nose has an excessively raised tip after surgery, but this position is temporary and lasts only until the adhesive strips are removed and the nose returns to its normal position.

Immediately after the operation the swelling is usually a cause for concern among patients, the question always arises as to whether it will remain like this or whether the swelling will disappear. The truth is that the major swelling lasts about a month after surgery, but it can sometimes extend up to a year, after which time the result can be considered definitive.

Rhinoplasty complications

As for the complications that may arise, rhinoplasty is one of the most complicated cosmetic surgery interventions. During the process may arise various technical problems that are usually resolved without further consequences, but sometimes these problems can leave sequelae such as perforations of the nasal septum or some kind of alteration in the passage of air through the nostrils. Fortunately, these complications occur infrequently.