Acupuncture for smoking cessation

What procedure is followed in acupuncture treatment for smoking cessation?

There is no single procedure, there are different ways of applying acupuncture treatment. Since its application for smoking cessation began, many guidelines and methods of treatment have been described. We, after several years of experience and assessing the most effective treatments, use the combination of classical acupuncture with auriculotherapy and nasopuncture, as it has been seen that their combined use achieves better results. With these methods we are able to reduce the appetite for tobacco and control the symptoms of abstinence.

We recommend total cessation from the first day in which the patient should stop smoking 5 to 8 hours before the first treatment.

In addition to the action of acupuncture, it is important that the patient maintains an active attitude towards his or her dependence on tobacco, as this will help to overcome it.

How long does the effectiveness of this treatment last?

The treatment lasts forever. This is the goal that most of the time is achieved, but there is a small part of patients who after a few months or years relapse, so it is advisable to resume treatment.

How many acupuncture sessions are necessary to stop smoking?

It depends on each patient, as each case is different. During the first days, when the abstinence syndrome is more important, a more intense treatment is performed and then the frequency of the sessions is increased until every two or three weeks or a month. Normally, the acupuncture specialist usually follows up for about three or four months. It may seem a long time, but all experts in smoking cessation say that a person can be considered an ex-smoker when he or she has been smoke-free for a year.

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Is it combined with other specialties such as a dietician for weight control or a psychologist for anxiety?

No, it is not necessary because the treatment with acupuncture and dietary advice is sufficient.

Can the patient have any side effects?

No, not from the acupuncture treatment. You can only gain weight due to the improvement of the body’s own metabolism to stop introducing the toxic substances of snuff. Normally, following the dietary guidelines, it is about one or two kilos after a year.

Is there any kind of medical control once the acupuncture is finished?

It is not necessary, since the organism presents a general improvement with better respiratory capacity, tolerance to efforts, recovery of the senses of taste and smell, improvement of the quality and texture of the skin, among other advantages.

Is it necessary to make any change in lifestyle habits?

Only at the beginning of the treatment, in the first two or three weeks when abstinence from all stimuli that incite smoking such as alcohol, coffee, sweets, going to places where smoking takes place, etc., is recommended.