First insertable remote cardiac monitor: Biotronik IIIm

Dr. Fernando de la Guía, cardiology specialist and head of cardiology at Policlínica, made headlines in October 2020 after becoming the first specialist to perform the implantation of the first Biotronik IIIm insertable remote cardiac monitor to be carried out in Spain.

He was in charge of directing the implantation of a long-duration subcutaneous Holter system in a patient who presented with episodes of highly symptomatic habitual palpitations.

The specialist has extensive experience in the field of cardiology and points out that the Biotronik device has numerous advantages over the external event recorders used up to now, in addition to increasing the detection surface area and greatly improving the electrocardiogram (ECG) signals. He also points out that the new BIOMONITOR IIIm has a smaller size than the previous model and that its flexible antenna makes it very comfortable for the patient.

Currently, Dr. de la Guía directs the cardiology service at Policlínica Glorieta and has a very complete multidisciplinary team for the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of all cardiovascular problems, in addition to the most modern technological and structural equipment.

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