Chest Lift

What is the purpose of a mastopexy?

Mastopexy is a term that comes from the Greek: Μαστο = breast and πηξία = fixation, freezing. The goal of a mastopexy is to lift a sagging breast without reduction of its breast content. We usually detect sagging of a breast because the nipple projection is below the submammary fold.

In addition to a breast lift, can a breast augmentation be done at the same time?

Yes, once the areola has been placed at the correct height and the excess skin has been removed, we almost always see the need to provide a compensatory breast volume, which is obtained by placing a breast prosthesis, usually small. We have developed with Sebbin Laboratories (France) a prosthesis that has practically no volume but provides adherence of the mammary gland to the pectoral muscle to prevent early sagging. It is the BI prosthesis (Brasier Isometrique), which is indicated for mastopexy and breast reductions.

How is the procedure performed?

Throughout my almost 40 years of experience I have worked with an infinite number of procedures. Currently the one I perform is a hybrid of several techniques that gives very good results.

How long does the procedure take and how long does it take for the patient to recover?

The procedure can last between 2 and 3 hours. After this we do not use a conventional dressing to cover the stitches, but a synthetic skin (SVS, see link above) and sports bras, so that in a few hours the patient can go home without pain. The artificial skin allows daily showering, with normal shower gel. No dressings are performed, only visual check-ups, which we can even do through the transparent synthetic skin sheet, either in person or by videoconference. After 10 or 12 days the stitches are removed and the artificial skin sheet is replaced by a new one, which we will remove after another 10 or 12 days for medical discharge.

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What results are obtained after undergoing this surgery? What kind of scars are left?

The results obtained today are excellent with the new designs of intervention. The marks become practically imperceptible in a very short time.