Excellence in breast augmentation. Diagnostic and preventive treatment technology

Nowadays, to speak of novelties and advances in breast augmentation surgery is to highlight the integration of new technologies in the optimization of results and in the improvement of the patient’s health. So much so that the first level plastic surgeon has stopped thinking exclusively about surgery to also worry about having the necessary tools to provide the best diagnosis and the most appropriate postoperative care.

High-tech 3D simulators before breast augmentation surgery

There is a before and after in diagnosis thanks to the new generation of scanners for previewing results. Our experience with the most advanced in the world, VECTRA® 3D REAL-LIFE, allows us to answer the most recurring question of women who want to augment their breasts: How will I look like a doctor? With this system, they can see for themselves exactly what they can expect after the operation, before they undergo surgery.

A support in terms of diagnosis and goals in the doctor-patient relationship, since it allows us to check from the outside the real aspect that the woman would have with different options of implants, not only in terms of size and projection but also in terms of shape, exact position, width or fall of the breast, being able to rotate the image to see the result from any perspective.

Our best tool for patients to have more realistic expectations and for us to have more accurate measurements. Two characteristics that help in the understanding for the definition of the objectives of surgery and, as a consequence, for the improvement of the results.

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Preventing and treating capsular contracture in breast augmentation

Periprosthetic capsular contracture is one of the most important problems that can occur with implants over time and one of the most feared possible complications among breast augmentation patients. Although its incidence rate is small, it is essential to prevent it and also to treat it in time.

For this reason, it is necessary to have a specific ultrasound generator such as CAPSULOBLAST, since it allows the penetration of the waves into the deepest layers of the fibrosis, favoring the softening of the tissue and the prevention or reduction of the contracture. This results in increased blood flow to the tissue, increased oxygenation, an anti-inflammatory effect and improved cellular metabolism. A postoperative treatment that all plastic surgeons should count on.