Cruroplasty, Thigh Lift Technique

Thigh flaccidity is a problem that concerns part of society, which is why many undergo cruroplasty. Dr. Weigand, an expert in Plastic Surgery, talks about how a thigh lift is performed.

The cruroplasty or thigh lift is a surgical technique that is intended to correct the skin of the legs that has sagged due to significant weight loss. This technique can also be used to improve the body contour of the area for aesthetic reasons.

What does cruroplasty consist of?

This procedure consists of eliminating flaccidity in the thighs, that is, excess skin or fat. The lifting can be performed vertically or horizontally, so that flaccidity can be eliminated in very specific parts of the thigh.

The cruroplasty is done through an incision, which will be located in the specific area needed by the patient. This can be done on the inner side of the groin, in the crease of the buttock or on the inner side of it. These incisions are always proportional to the amount of skin resected, and are always made to leave scars as inconspicuous as possible.

This procedure is usually done in approximately two to three hours, always depending on the amount of tissue to be resected.

What should I do after cruroplasty?

After surgery, most often the patient needs to be admitted to the hospital for one day. It is important for the patient to start walking as soon as possible, although at first he/she should not stretch the legs laterally.

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The doctor will indicate when you can perform heavy exercise, although normal activity usually recovers within two weeks. The surgeon must know the patient’s life before the operation, which will allow him to give clear indications of what he can and cannot do once he undergoes the intervention.

What are the risks involved in cruroplasty?

Cruroplasty is a very safe technique, although occasionally there may be postoperative complications and risks that should be discussed with the surgeon in detail. Occasionally, scars can be conspicuous, especially in patients who smoke. To avoid these problems, special techniques and suture materials are used. It is important that smokers stop smoking two weeks before surgery. Occasionally, scar corrections can be performed 6 months after surgery.