Diabetes, the disease of the 21st century

Diabetes is a disease “in crescendo”, so much so that it is considered the epidemic of the 21st century. According to World Health Organization (WHO) estimates, more than 366 million people in the world have diabetes, and this figure is likely to double by 2030. The increase in the prevalence of obesity is undoubtedly contributing to an increase in the incidence of the disease.

Genetics cannot be changed, but the weight you reach can. Taking care of one’s weight is fundamental and many people will see how their parents were diabetic and they are not because they take care of their diet and do sports. It has been demonstrated how the disease disappears when very obese diabetics undergo bariatric surgery or when significant weight loss occurs.

A diet low in fat (especially saturated fats, avoiding sauces and giving preference to fish over meat and cheese), rich in fiber (consuming vegetables and fruits daily, and several times a week legumes), and at the same time not eating too much, are essential measures for a healthy diet.

New treatments for diabetes

Until recently, all anti-diabetic medications caused patients to gain weight, but in recent years drugs have emerged that facilitate weight loss and do not cause drops in glucose levels. On the other hand, there are glucose sensors (holter that determine blood glucose every 5 minutes) that help in understanding the ups and downs of glucose and facilitate the adjustment of treatment. There are also insulin pumps that improve metabolic control and holters attached to them to read blood glucose levels at all times. Serious therapeutic advances are being made, which suggest that diabetes will be a manageable disease in the near future.