How to get rid of cellulite

Many of you have come to my office worried about cellulite when this time of the year approaches. Sometimes, patients have a nice figure, but as you usually tell me: dressed; and cellulite does not distinguish between thin women or overweight women.


Cellulite is a metabolic disease that affects women to a greater extent. It is characterized by functional and physiological changes of the connective tissue, fibrous tissue, together with circulatory disorders and hypertrophy of adipose cells. It always includes a lipid, vascular and connective component, the three elements that form cellulite tissue. The evolution of fibrosis generates macro nodules, giving rise to the external appearance of cellulite, the well-known “orange peel”.

I recommend the combination of two techniques that give very good and visible results in a short time. They can be used on the arms, abdomen or legs (cartridge cases, inner thighs or knees) and as they are performed with very fine needles, they are practically painless treatments and, if any bruising is left, it disappears in a few days.

Eliminate cellulite


Designed to neutralize the toxic activity of iron and promote its elimination to return the basic ph to the tissue and restore its balance. The skin recovers its normalized appearance quickly and safely. In addition, it acts by improving tissue oxygenation and provides the necessary components for its re-structuring.


This technique consists of applying carbon dioxide (CO2) just under the skin. Being a gaseous substance, it is natural and is found in our body. When introduced into the body, it separates the skin from the fat, helping to shape the figure, fight cellulite and even reduce scars and stretch marks.

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For localized fat, in specific areas, I recommend:


This treatment, like the previous ones, non-surgical, serves to reduce fat accumulations of adipose tissue in specific areas, provided that there is at least 1.5 centimeters of fold.

To combat flaccidity in patients who have lost a large volume of weight quickly or more mature women, there is also a solution:

Body Tightening Threads Body Tightening Threads or PDO (polydioxanone) Threads stimulate collagen production to treat sagging, producing a “natural body lift”. It rejuvenates and tightens the skin in the area of the body we treat, without the need for surgery. They are applied without incisions or sutures and are reabsorbable, so there are no rejection reactions in the medium or short term. Any of the treatments that I have recommended today have effects that you will notice in the short term and will make you feel better about your body this summer. Although, my main recommendation is that you always put yourself in the hands of specialists in Aesthetic Medicine.

Don’t forget that we are talking about beauty, but also about health!