How to remove expression wrinkles?

Botulinum toxin (Botox) is very successful because it manages to slow down and relax the repetitive movements that make us look angry or tired. In fact, it is the most performed medical-aesthetic procedure in the world.

Botox is a purified protein that is injected in tiny amounts, applied to specific muscles of the face and relaxing them. In this way, existing wrinkles are smoothed and new wrinkles are prevented from appearing. The treatment is practically painless, since it is administered through microinjections.

The injections are very safe, since the effects of the substance only manifest themselves in the muscle, without affecting the central nervous system or any other area of the body.

What is botulinum toxin used for?

There are multiple consequences directly caused by aging and the passage of time that can be treated with Botox. Among these, it is worth mentioning the following:

  • Excessively marked expression lines.
  • Wrinkles on the forehead and face.
  • Wrinkles and furrows between the eyebrows.
  • Periobicular wrinkles (crow’s feet).
  • Drooping of the tip of the nose when smiling.

Our face shows the different facial imperfections, which are a mirror of daily stress, fatigue and aging. Thanks to botulinum toxin it is possible to achieve a younger and fresher image, in a minimally invasive way and in a few days.

The application of Botox achieves healthy, harmonious and natural results, as well as a toned, relaxed and smooth skin.

When are the effects of Botox visible?

The results of botulinum toxin begin to show in 24-48 hours. After the procedure, patients must attend a follow-up visit during the following 20 days.

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The effects of Botox last between 3 and 6 months, so sessions should be repeated between 2 and 3 times a year. The results are not permanent but, as time goes by and more sessions are performed, they are prolonged.

After the sessions with Botox you can follow a normal life. It is only not recommended to practice sports the same day of the session or manipulate the treated area.

For more information about botulinum toxin and its treatments, contact a specialist in Aesthetic Medicine.