What is premature ejaculation

We understand premature ejaculation as recurrent or persistent ejaculation in response to minimal sexual stimulation before, during or shortly after penetration and before the person desires it. The prevalence ranges between 15% and 40% of men, which is 30% of the reason for psychological consultation, there is also another significant percentage that suffers from the problem and does not go to the clinic.

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It usually originates in adolescence, with the first sexual contacts and dysfunctional learning of self-stimulation behaviors. It can also develop suddenly (aversive sexual behaviors, resorting to masturbation in order to reach pleasure as soon as possible, resorting to sex in a hurry or in situations that produce anxiety…). You simply learned to ejaculate with almost no sexual stimulation, and it has become a habit that you have then applied in your sexual relationships. In addition, it has a high anxiety component because of the difficulties associated with the inability to properly manage the ejaculatory threshold, the thoughts of low confidence and low efficiency, and the negative repercussions it has on the partner. Even, being a behavior that develops over time, it tends to worsen and that is the reason why psychological help is sought after suffering the problem for years.

Once the urologist has ruled out organic pathology, the psychologist or sexologist comes into play. In psychological therapy the objective is to encourage the patient to have a satisfactory ejaculatory response for him and his partner, based on real expectations and that allows a relationship and a rewarding sexual performance, or what is the same, to learn a sexual response similar to a person who does not suffer from this problem, the treatment broadly consists of:

  • Teaching the patient to detect bodily sensations and to know well what his or her arousal threshold is.
  • Training in contraction-relaxation of the pubococcygeus muscle.
  • Reducing the anxiety that occurs before having sex or that arises when we are immersed in these.
  • Learning of the adaptive sexual ejaculatory response.
  • Individual follow-up.
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If you suffer from this problem or you think you are starting to develop it, do not hesitate any longer, consult with total confidentiality with your urohealth professionals, they will indicate the appropriate therapy for you and solve all your doubts about it.