How does cholesterol work and which diet to adopt to regulate it?

Why is not all cholesterol “bad”?

Cholesterol is a lipid or fat found in the body tissues and blood plasma of vertebrates. It is essential for many functions in the human body; for example, it is a major component of cell membranes to regulate the transit of substances through body cells.

Thus, cholesterol is the precursor of steroid hormones such as testosterone, estrogens or progesterone, cortisol and aldosterone, among others. It is part of lipoproteins and bile acids.

The so-called “good” cholesterol are those high-density lipoproteins (HDL) that transport cholesterol from the tissues to the liver and remove it from the arteries, facilitating its elimination. They are small and dense and it is desirable that their level in the blood is high.

Which cholesterol is harmful?

Bad” cholesterol is that which is transported in the blood together with low density lipoproteins (LDL). Cells capture the cholesterol they need with their receptors and it is released inside them, but when they cannot capture it or eliminate it in excess, the levels increase, which favors, among other things, the appearance of vascular alterations.

What diet to regulate cholesterol?

These are the foods that are known to raise total cholesterol and also LDL or “bad” cholesterol:

– Cheeses (with more than 25-30% fat), creams, custards, cream and ice creams.

– Sausages and offal

– Packaged fried foods

– Industrial confectionery

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– Butter and margarine

– Bacon and bacon

– Alcoholic beverages

– Battered foods

They are, therefore, inadvisable foods in healthy diets, but this varies according to the individual, who should always seek the most appropriate body weight.

On the other hand, there are other foods that raise HDL or “good” cholesterol, such as:

– Vegetables, fruits and vegetables

– White and blue fish

– Olive or sunflower oils

– Corn – Raw nuts (walnuts, hazelnuts, almonds, peanuts)

– Whole grains

– Eggs (2 or 3 eggs per week)

– Water, natural juices without sugar

As forms of preparation, it is advisable to make cooked, dishes to the h, to the plate, roasted in its juice, papillote or to the natural one.

Cholesterol and exercise

Good health is linked to the practice of the appropriate physical activity for each person. These actions not only greatly improve altered cholesterol levels, but also achieve notable improvements in circulatory, respiratory, metabolic, muscular, decrease stress and improve hormonal balance, among other beneficial aspects.