Why does the body produce earwax?

It is important to know that earwax is healthy as long as it is concentrated in normal amounts, as it acts as a self-cleaning agent and promotes the protection of this area with respect to antibacterial properties.

On the other hand, the absence of earwax can cause dryness and itching in the ears. Wax is concentrated in the deep part of the ear canal close to the eardrum, but is localized on the outside.

Wax should be removed when it causes hearing problems.

Wax should be cleaned out when it accumulates enough to produce the following symptoms:

  • Earache.
  • Partial hearing loss.
  • Ringing and buzzing in the ear.
  • Itching.

Tips for cleaning earwax from your ears

To avoid the formation of wax plugs, it is advisable to wash the external part of the ear with a cloth, but in no case introduce anything into the ear canal.

Cotton swabs should be avoided as attempts to remove the wax will backfire and cause blockage of the ear canal.

It is also effective to place a few drops of mineral oil, baby oil or commercial ear drops in the ear to soften the plug and facilitate its removal. The physician then uses an ear syringe and inserts a saline solution to help dissolve the wax. Manual wax removal is also a frequently used method.

It is especially recommended in cases where the ear canal is narrow or the eardrum has a perforation or tube.

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If in doubt, consult a doctor

If home treatments are not satisfactory or if such a volume of wax accumulates that it blocks the ear canal, it is advisable to consult a physician. He or she will most likely advise us on what treatment we should follow to soften the wax and eliminate it naturally.

If you are prone to repeated earwax impaction, it is recommended that you visit your doctor on a regular basis 6 to 12 months for a check-up and preventive cleaning.