How to correct “protruding ears”

Otoplasty or ear surgery is a surgical procedure aimed at correcting ear deformities. More specifically, prominent and protruding ears are treated.

The surgery allows the patient’s ears to be folded and placed at the appropriate angle to the skull, i.e., an angle of 20 to 25 degrees.

The ears are too prominent in the following cases:

  • Excessively large concha (angle from the ear to the skull).
  • Lack of fold, called antihelix, found in the upper part of the ear.

What is the procedure like?

The surgery allows correcting the defect known as “protruding ears”. The technique consists of incisions in the auricle of the ear, which are usually imperceptible.

To correct the concha, the incision is made in the retroauricular sulcus and to correct the antihelix below the helix. In any case, it is important not to force the ear into an unnatural position.

The ears will not be perfectly symmetrical after the intervention, although we always try to achieve the maximum possible symmetry. On the other hand, it is important to emphasize that the intervention can in no case affect the functions of the ear.

Otoplasty is performed under local anesthesia, although in some cases it requires light sedation (for example, in children). The procedure lasts between one and two hours, depending on the degree of complexity.

After the operation, the patient waits in the recovery room for the doctor to discharge him/her and for any medication he/she may require.

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What does the postoperative period consist of?

The surgery is not very uncomfortable and there is usually only a slight swelling that disappears after a few days.

After surgery it is important to wear a bandage for the first few days to maintain the correct position and to help reduce swelling. It is not advisable to wear glasses during the first days.

After one week, the patient can return to normal activities and the definitive result can be seen after four weeks.

Who can undergo the procedure?

Otoplasty can be performed once the ear development has been completed, approximately from seven years of age.

In the particular case of children, it is important to wait until they feel uncomfortable with their ears, since if we show them the defect can get to create a complex nonexistent.