How to Remove Lip Wrinkles

With the passing of the years and the constant aggression that smoking causes to the skin, the elasticity of the lip area is lost, causing those little wrinkles that form around the lips. Hyaluronic acid is a highly effective aid to diminish and in many cases practically eliminate these wrinkles. This molecule is natural in our body, we have it in large quantities. Its function is to hydrate the tissues, to get an idea, it is like a microscopic sponge that retains water and hydrates the tissues. With this product we can recover the turgidity of the tissues in a natural and safe way, we simply inject it at the bottom of the wrinkle, raising its base so that it loses its relief, which restores its smooth appearance to the skin.

In this way, the skin is tightened, wrinkles are much blurred and the mouth regains its structure, as we also redraw the profile of the lips to appear uniform and without the nicks that wrinkles cause. In addition, this treatment is interesting to moisturize the lips in general and give them back the turgidity caused by the years and tobacco.

Its effects have a duration that depends on each person and case, but with the latest technology products that we have at the moment, it lasts approximately one year. And it is applicable to anyone who wants to beautify their lips, because as I said we eliminate wrinkles, define the profile and recover the cupid’s bow, while I insist that we can recover the hydration of the lip mucosa. That is why the product can be used at any age and each person can do it on what is most necessary in their case. In my clinic we always customize the treatments, there are even cases in which we treat small scars.