The Protein Diet is safe and healthy in expert hands

We have heard a lot about the damage that high protein diets can cause to our liver and kidneys and that is why we should know the differences between a high protein diet and the Protein Diet.

The Protein Diet is a “medical treatment” for obesity and overweight and presents significant differences with the so-called hyperprotein diets.

When our body loses weight, it needs to preserve muscle and lose only fat. To do this, it is necessary to administer a certain amount of proteins. The proteins used in the form of shakes allow the doctor to measure the amount we eat, and the five preparations we take per day represent an adequate amount of protein for what our body needs when losing weight. If we do not give excess of proteins and these are of high quality, the possibility of damaging the kidneys is null. However, in the high protein diet, animal proteins are administered, without medical control, in a higher quantity than necessary, making kidney damage possible.

The protein preparations of the Protein Diet are practically free of fats, while meat, fish, eggs, etc. contain animal fats (1 or 2 grams in a preparation against 13 grams in the same amount of proteins if they come from eggs). In fast weight loss diets, taking animal proteins with the accompanying fats can overload the liver; however, in the Protein Diet, by using almost fat-free preparations, this problem does not occur.

Fast weight loss diets require a supplementation of minerals and vitamins. Our body, when eliminating fats through urine, loses minerals that must be replaced. The doctor in charge of the control of the Protein Diet, is knowledgeable about the management of such supplements, avoiding any risk. Not supplementing a fast weight loss diet is a very big risk that can lead the person to a medical emergency situation.

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When a person follows the instructions in a book, a recipe in a magazine, a friend’s recommendation, etc., he does not know if his body is prepared to follow a diet rich in proteins and the risks he runs are high; on the other hand, if he goes to an experienced doctor, he will be able to assess the suitability of following the treatment and he will accompany him in the process with controls and analyses that guarantee his health.

The “Line 15” products of Labora- torios Suico® for the Protein Diet, in the hands of experienced professionals, offer the best quality with natural flavors and aromas that make the experience of losing weight in a controlled, fast, safe way more pleasant for the patient and -thanks to the change of eating habits and recommended physical exercise- the possibility of maintaining the weight achieved in the long term.

Facing a weight loss requires medical control, education in the way of eating, emotional support that accompanies the success and physical activity that helps us to maintain the ideal weight achieved.

In our center, the experience of more than 13,000 patients treated (many with associated diseases such as hypertension, diabetes, cholesterol… as a consequence of their overweight), gives us excellence in the treatment of obesity, leading them to a healthy situation and change of habits.

We lead and accompany our patients safely to a new lifestyle we call: “Suico® Live Style”.