Frequently Asked Questions about Mesotherapy

Dr. Francisco José Sarasa Oliván is a specialist in sports medicine and belongs to Top Doctors, the select circle of top doctors in Spain. As a former mesotherapy expert, he will explain the details of this treatment.

What is mesotherapy and in which cases can it be applied?

Mesotherapy is one of the techniques used in medicine and is within the group of so-called injective techniques, i.e. techniques in which a substance is injected through the skin. A series of drugs are used, generally anti-inflammatory and anesthetics that have practically no side effects. The fundamental use of this technique in the environment in which we handle it is at the level of sports injuries and within these especially for all pathology due to overload, i.e. tendinitis, tensopathies and all those problems that derive from an overload especially at the muscular and tendon level.

How many sessions are needed for it to be effective?

Mesotherapy, unlike infiltrations, which are often confused as a similar treatment, is a technique that can be repeated almost continuously without any problem. Generally 3 injections separated by approximately 7 days each are necessary, that minimum number of 3 sessions is usually the one necessary for the painful pathology to be resolved. On some occasions 1 or 2 mesotherapy injections may solve the problem and on other occasions a few more injections may be necessary, but on average it is usually those 3 injections, which often means that it is confused with infiltrations when there is practically no direct relation.

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What care should be followed after the treatment?

Due to the characteristics of the technique, which uses a needle of only 4mm in length that penetrates the epidermis of the patient very little care should be taken. At the moment of the injection, what must be prevented is a possible hemorrhage, which is obviously practically impossible due to the characteristics of the technique, and for this, what is done is a compression afterwards and afterwards the only care is a good disinfection and a protection of the area where the mesotherapy infiltration has been performed to avoid the risk of infection. The patient will logically walk away and lead an absolutely normal life and will not have to take any other precaution except to prevent the risk of infection.