70% of the population breathes badly: how to detect if we suffer from a nasal or respiratory problem?

Many health problems are related to the nose, although it is often an organ that goes unnoticed.

Most people think they breathe well but, in reality, they have become progressively accustomed to breathing badly.

Do you want to do a simple test?

Press lightly with a finger on one of the nostrils and breathe in air. Then do the same with the other nostril.

Do you notice that you are breathing badly through one nostril or the other?

If so, there may be a breathing problem or nasal blockage, and you should see an ENT specialist.

When we breathe, there is a nasal cycle that we do not realize. While one nostril is working, the turbinates of that nostril dilate and the opposite nostril rests. This is repeated every 4-6 hours and is related to the neurovegetative system, which is involuntary.

When there is a problem or any stimulus to the nose (such as a stressful situation) the nostrils may become blocked.

What can it mean not to breathe well through any of the nostrils?

When the nose “complains” it usually does so with nasal obstruction, nasal congestion, mucus, sneezing… The patient, who is used to these symptoms, does not give them too much importance, beyond the discomfort they cause. However, if this symptomatology becomes chronic, it will greatly affect their quality of life.

Poor breathing can cause other health problems, so that often the reason for the patient’s consultation is not because of the nose, but because he has earache, headache, repeated pharyngitis or frequent colds that are extended.

One of the consequences of bad nasal breathing is that we switch to breathing through the mouth and we get used to it, without giving it much importance. However, it is important, and very important. When breathing, the air must reach the lower airways moist, warm and clean. And this air conditioning is an essential function of the nose – the cleaning, warming and humidification of the inspired air – which does not take place when we breathe through the mouth.

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Thus, mouth breathing can lead to other symptoms, such as dry mouth, snoring, dysphonia or bronchial asthma, which can cause serious health problems if left untreated.

Are some professions more prone to breathing problems?

Good breathing is essential for the health and quality of life of all people, but for certain professions nasal health is of vital importance.

This is the case for professionals in sports, gastronomy, oenology, perfumery, performing arts, communication and music, in which the nasal respiratory function -as well as the olfactory and phonatory functions- are indispensable tools.

If you are a professional or regularly practice activities in which breathing, smell and voice play a fundamental role, we recommend that you have your nose checked to rule out possible pathologies, avoid more serious health problems and improve your professional performance and quality of life.

Clínica Rinològica Maria Colomé is a center of medical excellence specialized in nasal pathology and aesthetic and functional nose surgery. In more than 25 years of experience, Dr. Maria Colomé and her team have helped thousands of patients to improve their quality of life.

With an approach from different disciplines and with an integrative vision of the person, in the Clínica Rinològica Maria Colomé we carry out an exhaustive study of your nasal health and we offer you a personalized treatment according to your needs.