Myofascial Release, a resolutive technique in Physiotherapy

Myofascial Release is a technique that allows, through pressure from lower to higher depths, to cause changes in the Fascia, a connective tissue that surrounds and protects the muscles.

What is the Fascial System

The body’s Fascial System forms an uninterrupted network of connective tissue that controls, in different ways, all the components of our body. A healthy body cannot be maintained without a healthy fascial system. If there are mobility restrictions in this tissue it creates “discomfort” that interferes with the proper functional development of all body systems. The fascial system may be excessively tight or it may be too distended. In both cases, body function is impaired. This behavior can be compared to three ways of tying a hammock: too tight, too loose or well balanced between two trees; only in the last one the body is comfortable. The fascial system unifies muscles, joints, bones and thoracic, abdominal and pelvic cavities. It also supports the viscera and protects the nervous, vascular and lymphatic systems.

What is Myofascial Release?

Myofascial induction is a set of manual techniques that affect the structure of the connective tissue or fascia. It is a simultaneous process of evaluation and treatment, in which, through sustained three-dimensional movements and pressures, applied throughout the fascial system, the release of myofascial restrictions is sought, in order to recover the functional balance of the body.

What does the Myofascial Release technique consist of?

The key, according to physiotherapy experts, is to manually reorganize the pathological collagen crosslinks. It has been proven that manipulation from the skin can produce changes in the properties of the stimulated tissue. Tensegrity is an important concept to understand this technique, where any structure has a balance and integrity of its tension, giving it stability.
With Myofascial Release techniques we seek this balance by exerting pressure and sliding from shallower to deeper, causing changes in the connective tissue, by the principle of Piezoelectricity where, by applying a mechanical force (fascial manipulation) on a tissue, it can deform and change its properties by generating an electrical potential. Based on these principles we apply superficial and deep pressure and sliding techniques. Within the superficial myofascial techniques we have “J” slips, which are longitudinal slips and transverse slips; and within the deep myofascial techniques we have crossed hands, transverse planes, telescopic techniques and dura balancing.