What is upper limb lymphedema and the effects of the Punch Tape for its treatment

The lymphatic system has, among its main functions, the transport of fluids from the tissues, about 2 liters in normal conditions, and can reach up to 20 in extreme conditions, such as during the treatment of postmastectomy lymphedema counting the effects of Punch Tape. Other functions of the lymphatic system also include immune protection, as well as lipid absorption.

Punched Tape is a type of neuromuscular bandage that is widely used by healthcare professionals looking for an alternative to compression stockings. This has a series of holes placed with an asymmetrical arrangement, which allow a decompression of the affected area, through a decrease in inflammation as well as facilitating a decrease in fluid retention.

Dr. Carlos VillarĂ³n Casales, Physiotherapist and Expert in Lymphatic Drainage, Neurological Physiotherapy and Functional Taping among other types of physiotherapy treatments, analyzes the after-effects of postmastectomy lymphedema, as well as the affectation of the Punch Tape method.

Consequences of mastectomy lymphedema and its effect on the lymphatic system

Post-mastectomy lymphedema is one of the most serious sequelae that people can suffer after breast cancer, according to the Spanish Association Against Cancer. One in four women affected by this disease is likely to develop lymphedema in the short term; other authors indicate that the incidence of this health problem ranges between 12% and 26% 12 months after axillary node dissection.

Lymphedema directly affects the quality of life of those patients who have undergone a risky intervention, as is the case with cancer, and it is both emotionally and physically damaging. People who suffer from this ailment see their physical appearance altered, as it can cause a visible deformity, as well as their mobility, and everything has repercussions on their daily life, both in their work activities and in their social, love and family relationships. An ailment of the lymphatic system can cause pain, a visible deformity, hypofunctions of the affected area, in some cases fibrosis occurs.

This type of chronic edema can be bilateral or unilateral, and can occur in the upper limbs, as well as lymphedema of the legs and even in other parts of the body. The risk of suffering from lymphedema is directly related to the degree of axillary lymph node removal, as well as whether there is a case of obesity, and the area and amount of infections and radiation.

Cases of involvement of the lymphatic system of the upper limb

Among people affected by breast cancer, the survival rate is at a considerable level of increase in the last 20 years. This is directly related to early detection campaigns, which are becoming more and more prevalent in society, as well as to the treatments applied, which are personalized and individualized for each case. Even so, there is no single treatment for lymphedema.

Through the work done with several studies, it has been demonstrated the effectiveness of physical therapy to apply the treatment of lymphedema. In the same way, the risks of an increase in the volume of lymphedema when the appropriate treatment guidelines are not followed, as well as the importance of maintaining a routine of preventive exercises, are vital for the improvement of the affected area.

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The evolution at the beginning of the treatment depends on several factors specific to each type of patient, so it is not possible to obtain a unique result for all. In the studies carried out, in the first weeks of treatment there is a clear evolutionary improvement, while after these, an increase in the volume of the swollen area is registered.

Those lymphedemas that affect the limbs and are not treated, worsen in volume after several weeks. For this same reason there is evidence that they tend to apply a long-term treatment, especially with the use of compressive garments. These tend to cause skin irritation, as well as increased edema in the upper extremities, negatively affecting activities of daily living. In addition, it has the advantage that it can be wet, without any need to lose properties in this type of bandage.

Preventive measures when treating lymphedema with Punched Tape

In order to perform a correct treatment of lymphedema, a series of preventive measures are carried out, which are known as Complex Physical Therapy. Within these there are a series of hygienic measures such as the use of protective gloves, recommendations to avoid abrupt activities or those that require great efforts, as well as postural exercises, multilayer bandages, elastic stockings, pressotherapy and manual lymphatic drainage, in the latter treatments is where the Punch Tape would be applied.

To obtain an optimal result with the treatment through this special type of bandage, it should be placed in several strips; sometimes it is not entirely necessary to place all the strips in the area designated for treatment, especially in the case of edema in this area. The bandage remains fixed in this area for approximately 6 days, and it is removed 24 hours before the next measurement is to be taken.

When the use of Punched Tape is applied in the treatment, it is done with the objective of benefiting from its draining effect, which can be complemented with pressotherapy, using only drainage.

The use of the neuromuscular bandage has demonstrated a high tolerance in patients, due to the following favorable points of the Punched Tape:

  • The comfort of neuromuscular taping is greater than that of multilayer taping.
  • It allows greater ease in activities of daily living: performing tasks, personal hygiene and dressing, among others.

This type of bandage contributes to good results after a problem of the lymphatic system that manifests itself physically, compared to other treatments such as manual lymphatic drainage or pressotherapy.