Do you breathe through your nose or through your mouth?

The Muñoz Cariñanos Institute is a reference clinic in Otorhinolaryngology and rhinoplasty in Seville. Formed by a multidisciplinary medical team and led by Dr. Pablo Muñoz-Cariñanos, it has extensive experience and a good number of successful cases.

And is that, beyond the aesthetic purpose of undergoing a rhinoplasty in Seville, the intervention may be motivated by the correction of functional purposes, ie, to correct problems when breathing.

In fact, one of the most common problems among patients of the Muñoz Cariñanos Institute is that they breathe through the mouth instead of through the nose. A rhinoplasty may be the solution to this problem.

Why is it so important to breathe through the nose?

  • First of all, it should be noted that the human being is designed to breathe through the nose. With few exceptions, the body’s organism functions better if breathing is nasal rather than oral.
  • The nasal mucosa is the body’s first barrier of protection against germs. If you breathe through your nose, you will pick up fewer bacteria and viruses.
  • Nasal breathing improves chest capacity and helps to improve and/or increase physical endurance.

How can you breathe through your nose?

  • To breathe well through the nose it is fundamental and basic that the nasal mucous membranes are hydrated. To this end, water should be drunk and the environment should be kept humid.
  • Practicing breathing exercises can also help to “learn” to breathe through the nose.
  • Try to sleep on your left side
  • If a physical effort is made, it is recommended to combine both nasal breathing and mouth breathing.
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If, in spite of this, a clean breathing is not achieved due to the shape of the nose, it is advisable to go to a specialist in Otolaryngology. In these cases, the specialist will see you and depending on your needs may suggest the realization of a functional rhinoplasty.