Rhinoseptoplasty: when esthetics and function go together

Often people consider rhinoplasty because they are uncomfortable with the shape or size of their nose. This concern conditions their life to the point that they feel uncomfortable showing themselves in public or do not want to appear in a photograph.

When a cosmetic nasal surgery – cosmetic rhinoplasty – is performed correctly, it has a very positive impact on the person’s life. The improvement of your physical appearance gives you greater security and self-confidence and, as a consequence, greater personal well-being.

The decision to have a nose job for aesthetic reasons is not always an easy one. Physical, psychological and emotional aspects of the patient must be considered. That is why the help of the ENT specialist and rhinology expert is very important, who will assess the situation of each patient, adjust their expectations and ensure that cosmetic rhinoplasty is the best option, or if alternatives should be considered.

Sometimes, during the first visit -where an initial evaluation and ENT examination is performed- the specialist also detects a functional problem that the patient was unaware of. In this case, it is possible to combine in the same operation aesthetic rhinoplasty with functional rhinoplasty techniques so that, in addition to their physical appearance, it can also improve the patient’s nasal health and, consequently, their quality of life.

What problems can be solved with a functional rhinoplasty?

The most common pathologies are those related to nasal septum problems. Alterations in the shape and growth of the nasal septum -which separates the two nostrils- can make breathing difficult, cause head and facial pain, sensation of nasal dryness, abundant mucus and smell alterations.

The septoplasty is the technique that allows correcting the deformities of the nasal septum and can be combined with cosmetic surgery, called rhinoseptoplasty.

Other pathologies that can also be combined with a cosmetic rhinoplasty are:

  • Nasal valve problems. The valve has a fundamental role in the creation of resistances and in the adequacy of the air to reach the lungs in good conditions. If there are anomalies in the different anatomical structures, breathing can be altered. With valve surgery, normal anatomy is restored and airflow is increased.
  • Turbinate problems. The turbinates are responsible for facilitating the cleaning, heating and humidification of the air. If their size is not adequate, they can cause breathing difficulties, facial and headaches, a sensation of nasal dryness or persistent mucus. They can also cause mouth breathing and, therefore, dry mouth, snoring and apneas, pharyngitis, thick mucus, migraines and sinusitis. Turbinate surgery can reduce them to decongest or remove them.
  • Sinus problems. Some sinus problems and related diseases (allergies or hypersensitivities) can be solved by combining the intervention with an in-depth treatment. Endoscopic nasosinusal surgery groups different techniques that solve these problems and manages to repermeabilize and clean the sinuses occupied by chronic hyperplastic mucosa, suppuration or polyposis. Also the removal of both benign and malignant tumors.
  • Adenoid or vegetation problems. When vegetations cause repeated infections in the throat or ear, or cause significant respiratory obstruction, surgery is recommended. Adenoidectomy is most often recommended.
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What is the process of rhinoseptoplasty?

In the first visit an endoscopy is performed, where it is directly observed if there is any functional problem (septal dysmorphia, turbinate hypertrophy, valvular collapse…). Functional tests are also performed to study nasal permeability (rhinomanometry and acoustic rhinometry). These tests help to determine the degree of chronicity of the turbinates, in order to better plan the surgery. In other cases, olfactory and gustatory function is also checked (olfactometry and gustometry).

For aesthetic rhinoplasty, a facial analysis is performed with the help of photographs, and the expected results of the operation are designed.

Likewise, the patient will also be asked to undergo routine preoperative tests: blood tests, chest x-ray and electrocardiogram. During the preoperative visit, the doctor will clarify the patient’s final doubts and will give him/her a dossier with all the information needed for admission.

The operation is performed under general anesthesia, in the operating room, and is usually performed from inside the nostrils, without visible external scars (endonasal surgery). The patient must wear small plugs in the nose for the first three days, and a splint on the back of the nose for 7 to 10 days. Recovery may vary according to the patient. If a small hematoma has appeared, it will disappear in a week. A complementary treatment of facial drainage with acupuncture allows a rapid improvement if there is inflammation. Postoperative controls will allow to evaluate a correct evolution. Between six months and two years the results will be considered definitive.

What are the benefits of aesthetic and functional nasal surgery?

From the aesthetic point of view, rhinoplasty improves facial harmony, respecting the expression of each person. Patients who decide to undergo cosmetic nasal surgery overcome, in many cases, their complexes and enjoy life more on a personal, emotional, social, sexual and work level, because they feel more comfortable with their appearance and, thus, improve their self-esteem and confidence.

The correction of the nasal septum -septoplasty- improves breathing and blood oxygenation. This favors a better resistance in daily activities and, above all, in sports, a better quality sleep and a better rest, greater concentration, improvement in the sense of smell and better appreciation of flavors, as well as the prevention of other nasal pathologies (rhinitis, sinusitis, nasal polyps…).

Clínica Rinològica Maria Colomé is a center of medical excellence specialized in nasal pathology and aesthetic and functional nose surgery. In more than 25 years of experience, Dr. Maria Colomé and her team have helped thousands of patients to improve their quality of life.