The solution to sagging breasts in a single intervention: mastopexy

The appearance of the female breast is one of the aesthetic issues that most concern women. The size, shape and elevation of the breast are details that aesthetic surgery can resolve to obtain, in each case, the desired body. Therefore, one of the most demanded interventions is mastopexy, or breast lift. In these cases we are not necessarily talking about augmentation, but a repositioning of the breasts to restore their youthful and natural appearance.

Pregnancy, breastfeeding, weight variations or the simple passage of time are some of the factors that can cause the breasts to sag, what we know as drooping breasts. But mastopexy can achieve natural and very satisfactory results with or without volume increase. Depending on each case, the specialist will recommend one type of intervention or another, which can vary from a simple elevation to a decrease in the size of the breast areola.

The specialists themselves recognize not only aesthetic problems, derived from a sagging and shapeless breast. In addition to the fact that for many women it is a problem of self-esteem, a very large and sagging breast can cause back problems and the appearance of rashes due to rubbing or sweating, neck pain or even respiratory problems. In these cases, mastopexy can also reduce breast size. This technique is intended to improve the patient’s quality of life.

What is a mastopexy procedure like?

In general, for an intervention of this type are necessary incisions around the areola and vertically. In some cases it is suficient around the areola or, even, to add some more cut under the breast. After between one and four hours of surgery, a woman can go from having a sagging, drooping and unflattering breast to regain a youthful, firm and smooth skin.

Of course, it will take eight to ten days before the patient can lead a normal life. It is then when the stitches are removed. The usual is a hospital stay of one or two days, and then rest of movement of arms and torso. All this combined with the use of a bandage or a special bra for at least one month.

The discomfort in this type of intervention is scarce, since it is normally performed under general anesthesia. Only in special cases can they be performed under local anesthesia and sedation. It is possible that bruising and swelling may appear in the chest, which disappear spontaneously between ten and fifteen days later.

The truth is that mastopexy leaves more or less extensive scars, depending on the technique used, but, after the application of a special laser, some specific patches and the passage of time, they improve considerably, becoming practically imperceptible in a few months. Patients receive a permanent control after the intervention, in order to check the postoperative evolution and prevent possible complications in the scarring. The specialist is concerned with applying all possible treatments to avoid the development of scars of different natures.

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Mastopexy, with or without augmentation

The mastopexy intervention is not specifically indicated to increase bra size. Its main function is to lift and shape. However, in the case of small and sagging breasts, the placement of a prosthesis can help to make the results more effective and long-lasting. A mastopexy is not the same as a breast augmentation, but both procedures can be complementary.

The prostheses used during a mastopexy are the same that any plastic and cosmetic surgeon would use for an ordinary augmentation. The implants are made of high density cohesive silicone gel. They can be round or teardrop shaped. The latter, also called anatomical, are the ones that offer the most natural results, because of their resemblance to the natural shape of the breast.

While mastopexy is a good option to reposition the breasts and, accompanied by a prosthesis, increase their size, it can also solve other aesthetic problems of the breasts. Many women have an unequal size or shape of one breast with respect to the other. This breast asymmetry often worries women, but they should know that they are not the only ones.

It is a very frequent and common issue in the female body, but, if it is very pronounced, it can be considered unaesthetic. This inconvenience can also be solved during mastopexy.

Lift with prostheses, the most durable option

In general, the results of a mastopexy are usually very satisfactory. But, unfortunately, they are not definitive. The patient should keep in mind that the breasts can sag again, depending on some factors, such as weight, age, pregnancy and breastfeeding. However, generally, not in the same way as before the intervention.

A mastopexy lift, accompanied by a prosthesis, is the most effective and long-lasting combination for women who want to augment and shape their breasts. However, if sagging of the breasts occurs again, it will be easy to reposition them. In this case, the specialist will be able to reuse the scars already present from previous operations.

If the breast lift has been accompanied by an implant, the effect is much more lasting. In the case of a new sagging, the breast can easily be repositioned using and eliminating the old scars.