What is Reproductive Immunology

Reproductive immunology is the medical specialty devoted to the study, diagnosis and treatment of disorders of the immune system and the repercussions they can have on pregnancy.

The immune system plays an important role in the formation of the placenta and the nesting of the embryo, as it is responsible for regulating and tolerating the changes that occur after fertilization. Therefore, if there is a failure in this regulation or a lack of tolerability in the immune mechanisms that take place during pregnancy, a series of problems can occur. These problems can be:

  • Early miscarriage, if the factors of tolerability and vascular neoformation are not adequately regulated.
  • Pathological pregnancy with risk to the mother or fetus.
  • Late miscarriage or fetal loss

Benefits of reproductive immunology

The medical specialty of reproductive immunology allows early diagnosis of autoimmune pathologies or signs of defects in immune regulation. This enables effective treatment options to be established in order to achieve the goal of a healthy child at home.

Risks of reproductive immunology

Any type of drug carries a risk associated with side effects. Drugs used for the treatment of immune pathology identify these types of risks well. However, identification of individual risk factors and good immune control during pregnancy can minimize or avoid these unwanted side effects.