The Fatal Consequences of Anabolic Steroid Abuse

Many young people today seek to achieve a muscular physique in a short period of time and, in order to do so, resort to the excessive consumption of anabolic steroids, even obtaining them from unreliable sources or illegally. This tendency to consume rapid bodybuilding products can lead to sterility, cardiac or renal failure and even death.

Abuse of anabolic steroids in pursuit of aesthetics

Anabolic steroids are often consumed by athletes to increase their muscle fat and therefore their capacity to store energy for their sporting performance. The quantities consumed must be taken into account, as the body cannot assimilate huge amounts of hormones and can lead to fatal consequences.

The consequences of the abuse of anabolic steroids will vary depending on the amount consumed and the time it takes to maintain this rate of consumption. But they range from sterility to death, through problems such as tachycardia, heart problems or kidney failure.

Low-quality bodybuilding products can be fatal.

Often young people looking to muscle their bodies quickly turn to buying bodybuilding products, often cut-price, over-the-counter anabolic steroids, at the expense of their safety. Because of this trend, bodybuilding products are readily available in gyms and stores without the need for a prescription or prior medical examination. The consequences can be disastrous, as these products are often of low quality and adulterated.

Consequences of abuse of bodybuilding products

In the case of men, the most common consequence is a decrease in sperm production and testicular size, with corresponding functional failure. In addition, if androgens are administered, the body will stop making its own testosterone, which will accentuate testicular shrinkage and sterility. It can also lead to breast enlargement and development, baldness, oily skin and acne.

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But this abuse of anabolic steroids can lead to more serious side effects, such as increased cholesterol and fat in the blood vessels, as well as problems in the liver, which is the organ in charge of filtering all these steroids.

In addition, the abuse of these substances also affects psychologically, with an increase in aggressiveness and violent behavior. With all this, it should be noted that it is essential to put yourself in the hands of experienced professionals, able to inform of all these risks and prescribe each patient the foods and products necessary to achieve their goals.