pulsed light photo rejuvenation

What is the pulsed light photorejuvenation treatment?

It consists of a rejuvenation of the skin (face, neck, neckline and hands) thanks to the action of a special light, called Intense Pulsed Light or IPL. With age, the skin reflects the damage caused by excessive sun exposure, pigmentary and vascular alterations appear that give it an aged, dull, uneven tone and lack of luminosity. Thanks to pulsed light photorejuvenation we can treat alterations such as spots, capillaries or couperose, providing luminosity and homogeneity in skin tone. Pulsed light photorejuvenation improves collagen synthesis at dermal level, improving the texture of the treated skin. The latest generation platforms are one of the best able to perform a safe pulsed light photo rejuvenation treatment in a single session, without pain and with noticeable results from the first session.

What are the phases of the photorejuvenation treatment?

During the first visit, a complete medical history is taken and the patient is checked for any contraindications. The pulsed light photo rejuvenation treatment will last approximately one hour and consists of:

  • Preparation of the skin of the face, neck, neckline and hands by basic hygiene.
  • A special conductive gel is applied and the light treatment is performed. It is not painful, the sensation is a little heat to the skin, so it is advisable to cool the skin with cold and perform a massage with aloe vera.
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What results should I expect from the photorejuvenation treatment?

The immediate result of pulsed light photo rejuvenation treatment is that small facial blemishes increase in color. There is no peeling or ulcers, so you can wear make-up. These facial spots (which are yours) will decrease in color intensity in 15 days, in three weeks they will have disappeared and your skin will be radiant. After a month, we always visit the patient to see the result of the treatment and if necessary, we will do a follow-up treatment. It is a very grateful treatment. The improvement is spectacular with results that last for years. It is ideal for people over 30 years old who have been exposed to the sun, have solar lentigines (small spots), smokers with devitalized skin and lack of brightness, as a treatment for small wrinkles, as well as for couperosis and small telangiectasias. The results in cleavage and hands are spectacular.