Facial blemishes, can they be completely removed?

Facial spots are caused by an exaggerated accumulation and production of a pigment called melanin, which is deposited in the different layers of the skin. The most frequent cause is long-term sun exposure and “photodamage” of the skin, but it can also be due to hormonal factors, the use of certain medications, chronic diseases such as hypothyroidism and other metabolic diseases, following an inflammatory process, but can also have a genetic cause.

Are there different types of facial blemishes?

The most common facial blemishes are sun-induced (photoaging), called solar lentigines. They are benign, dark, flat lesions that appear on sun-exposed sites, such as the face and hands, even though intense sun exposure may have occurred years ago.

Another type of blemish that is very common in women (although it can also affect men) is melasma. Although it is not known exactly why it occurs, it is known that family history and hormonal alterations favor its appearance.

Other spots may occur after wounds or scars (post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation) or may be due to a manifestation of a metabolic disease, especially in folds. Others are of genetic or hereditary origin.

An evaluation by the esthetic physician is essential to determine the origin and treatment and, especially, to diagnose other malignant lesions that may manifest themselves as spots.

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What treatments can be followed to eliminate skin blemishes?

After the diagnosis by the medical specialist and determined the origin of the stain, a treatment plan should be established, almost always combined. These treatments are usually:

  • Laser or intense pulsed light.
  • Depigmenting chemical peeling.
  • Depigmentation mesotherapy.
  • Specific facial masks.
  • Facial revitalization.

All this always combined with the specific home treatment including sun protection.

Can facial blemishes be completely eliminated?

Whether a blemish disappears or improves significantly depends on several factors: the etiology of the blemish, the location of the blemish (epidermal or dermal blemishes), the combination of treatments and, very importantly, the patient’s commitment to home care and preventive measures.

What is the role of cosmetics in the treatment of facial blemishes?

Cosmetics are fundamental as a complementary treatment to the techniques we use in the clinic. Depending on the type of stain and the medical treatment used, the most suitable composition of the cosmetic product to continue at home will be determined. They can be commercial cosmetics or even master formulas.