Mediterranean diet and wellness

Many have heard of the Mediterranean diet and its many benefits, as it combines fruits, vegetables, cereals, olive oil, legumes and fish and reduces the amounts of red meat, eggs and dairy products.

Maintaining a rich and balanced diet reduces the risk of diseases such as diabetes, prevents high blood pressure and certain cardiovascular diseases, improves memory and, in general, provides greater longevity. The Mediterranean diet is characterized by the varied consumption of fruits, vegetables, legumes and nuts and replaces butter with healthy fats such as olive oil.

It also limits the consumption of red meat, although it is not necessary to eliminate it (in favor of turkey or chicken) and increases fish consumption to a minimum of two days per week. Mackerel, salmon and white tuna are the most recommended because they are rich sources of omega 3.

On the other hand, extra virgin oil has a high content of vitamins and antioxidant compounds, and although it is not recommended to consume fried food, it is preferable to use it when frying. Consuming extra virgin olive oil on an empty stomach reduces gastric acidity, since it contributes to form a film on the stomach walls, facilitating intestinal transit, as well as calcium, magnesium, zinc and B vitamins. At the cardiovascular level, it also reduces LDL cholesterol and increases HDL cholesterol.

The Mediterranean diet also facilitates weight loss and stands out for its anti-inflammatory action thanks to olecanthol, an organic compound beneficial for tumors in the digestive system.