Some general questions about insomnia

When we talk about sleep, it is important to maintain regularity in habits. In the case of food it is also very important. Since our whole body lives in circadian rhythm and, therefore, just as we establish routines and margins at bedtime, it is important to do the same with meals when having breakfast, snacks or dinner.

Apart from the schedules, there are some substances and foods that favor being more awake. Thus, everything that carries theine, caffeine such as tea, coffee or chocolate can help to inhibit the adenosine receptors and go against sleep.

On the other hand, all those drinks or foods that can cause flatulence or gas, spicy foods… can alter the gastric function, so before bedtime or before dinner it is best to avoid these drinks and foods, such as broccoli, onions, cabbage… Obviously this is very individual and varies from case to case. Obviously this is very individual and varies in each case, but broadly speaking these are the drinks and foods to avoid, as well as spicy foods, foods that can produce acidity, spicy foods, alcohol … All this can be unfavorable for the onset or maintenance of sleep.

Is it possible to develop resistance to coffee or tea?

More than resistance, these are personal factors. People who do not have problems sleeping do not need to take excessive care of their food before going to sleep, since normally if they drink a coffee nothing will happen to them when they fall asleep.

In this case, the precaution with food to avoid insomnia should be followed by those who find it difficult to maintain or initiate sleep.

What are the foods that promote sleep?

Both melatonin and serotonin promote sleep. Both substances have tryptophan as a precursor, and all foods containing this amino acid can promote sleep.

Again, we are talking about personal cases, since, for example, milk and dairy products contain tryptophan, which favors the conciliation of sleep, but a person with lactose intolerance will have to do without the intake of dairy products.

In any case, generally, everything that is still rich in tryptophan, such as dairy products, oats, rice, vegetables or nuts, especially walnuts… These are all foods that favor the production of serotonin and melatonin; and their consumption is recommended for the night, always with a responsible consumption and without overdoing it.

These are personal recommendations and vary depending on each case, but normally they can be applied in general lines.

Do not eat large meals, leave time between dinner and bedtime, avoid going to bed hungry, take some herbal tea to improve digestion …

Why is it that at midday heavy meals favor sleep and at night they make it difficult?

At midday I would never take a chamomile tea to relax me, if I have to be active in the afternoon. It is more common to take protein or foods that help to keep us awake, especially all foods containing omega-3, eggs, apples….

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A large meal at midday can slow us down and make us more uncomfortable, while at night it will make digestion more difficult and may cause some discomfort when trying to fall asleep.

Does doing yoga or meditation help to prevent insomnia or is it a myth?

Any relaxation exercise or meditation, that is, any exercise that helps us to have a peaceful mind will help us to sleep. Sleep is a spontaneous biological process and if we have a mind full of thoughts and worries they will interfere with sleep.

If we are calmer or more relaxed, it will be easier to fall asleep. When one meditates or relaxes, the heart rate, respiratory rate and general sympathetic system decreases, thus favoring sleep.

For example, if we do cardiovascular activities that involve the secretion of adrenaline such as running on a treadmill or playing a game of soccer, this will produce a secretion of adrenaline that will work against sleep.

Does exercise cause insomnia?

Exercising with a high cardiovascular adrenaline load can interfere with sleep onset. It is common that in situations of competition, stress and similar situations there are increases in adrenaline levels, which prevent the person from falling asleep because he/she still feels very active.

What are the long-term consequences of insomnia?

Insomnia is a deprivation of sleep and the number of hours needed to sleep and rest. In a first phase, this can produce tiredness, drowsiness, headache… In more prolonged cases, it can produce lack of attention, lack of memory… There are studies that show that the reduction of hours of sleep causes the appearance of dementia, Alzheimer’s, appearance of metabolic diseases… In the long term we are talking about people at risk of developing some diseases more easily, in addition to the ease of suffering work or traffic accidents when sleepy or having lack of attention and concentration.

The appearance and development of psychiatric diseases are also related to lack of sleep, such as anxiety, depression… Sleeping is not a waste of time, you have to take care of your sleep.

How can insomnia be treated and improved?

Cognitive-behavioral therapy specific for insomnia is the most accepted option today. This therapy is based on resetting the normal processes that generate sleep, such as the homeostatic or circadian process.

Another option is the pharmacological treatment, being more a symptomatic treatment and that is not recommended to be prolonged too much in time, but in acute insomnia or in combination with cognitive-behavioral therapy for insomnia.

Normally five sessions of cognitive-behavioral therapy will be carried out, it is not a psychological therapy in general, but the strategies and tools to reset the homeostatic or circadian process are worked on.

For more information, consult with a specialist in Sleep Medicine.