My eyes itch! What do I do?

Soon, a few months from now, spring and eye allergies will be here. One of the most sensitive organs in our body is the eyes, and about one in five people are affected by this type of allergy at this time of year.

The increase of spores and pollen in the air commonly caused by grasses, trees such as cypress, banana and olive trees are the cause of this type of seasonal allergy.

When our eyes come into contact with the allergen, our immune system feels attacked and tries to fight it, causing redness, a gritty sensation, itchy eyes, tearing, increased sensitivity to light and swelling of the eyelids.

It is very important to avoid scratching the eyes, as this causes even more redness. To reduce exposure to the allergen it is advisable:

  • Drive with the windows closed.
  • Avoid being in the street early in the morning and late in the afternoon, since these are the hours of maximum exposure to pollen.
  • Wash hands frequently.
  • Use sunglasses with a large, wrap-around design.

Many times ocular allergy, in addition to reducing exposure to the allergen, requires medical treatment to alleviate the symptoms.

If at this time of year, despite preventive measures, you continue to have itching, eye redness, increased sensitivity to light or swelling of the eyelids, do not hesitate to consult your trusted ophthalmologist.