What techniques are available for rhinoplasty

What techniques are included in rhinoplasty?

Within rhinoplasty, traditionally, there is the closed technique and the open technique. The open technique differs because an external scar is made at the level of the lower part of the columella, which perfectly addresses the nasal tip. However, I also perform a technique that I call the open-closed rhinoplasty technique, in which through incisions inside the nose, without any external scar, we can also work the tip, work the septum and be able to work the entire nasal anatomy without any problem.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of each of them?

The main advantage of closed rhinoplasty, which is really the oldest and most traditional, is that there is no scar on the outside. So the structure can be worked, but we have the disadvantage that the structure of the tip cannot be worked so well because it is worked a little blindly. Although with some experience exceptional results can be achieved. Open rhinoplasty, the fundamental advantage for which it began to be used is precisely to be able to work these structures of the tip and to be able to better place the septum and cartilage grafts. But it has the fundamental disadvantage of the scar that it leaves, which is not normally noticeable, but there are 3% or 5% of the cases that it is visible. And that is its great disadvantage, apart from the fact that it has a little more postoperative inflammation. As for the open-closed rhinoplasty, it has the advantages of both, that it does not have any external scar and that everything that is the tip and the septum can be worked on without any problem.

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What preparation does the patient need?

The preparation of rhinoplasty, the most important thing is a very clear previous study of what the patient is looking for to obtain a harmonious result and that goes with his facial appearance. Then, independently, as in any intervention, logically it will be necessary to make a preoperative analysis, a pre-anesthetic study, to be able to perform the intervention as with any type of intervention.

How is the recovery?

The recovery from rhinoplasty, the most important thing to keep in mind is that you have to place a tamponade in the nose and a plaster cast. You will wear the packing for about two days and the cast for a week. During this time the patient will not be able to carry out his or her usual activities. After 8 or 10 days the patient will be able to resume his activity, although logically there is a postoperative inflammation and the result will take a few months to be fully obtained.