When is adult circumcision recommended

Circumcision is the surgical removal of all or part of the male foreskin. The foreskin is the tissue that covers the glans penis and its main function is to establish the correct pH and internal temperature to keep it sensitive, moist and soft. Although in recent decades, circumcision has been practiced on minors after the age of three years, today there are a large number of adults who should be circumcised.

When should adult circumcision be performed?

Circumcision in adults for medical reasons is performed in two situations:

  • When the foreskin is too narrow and does not allow the glans to slide during erection and causing some pain. In this case we call it phimosis.
  • When the foreskin is too long and a poor hygienic condition is generated in the glans penis, we call it redundant foreskin.

What are the benefits and what are the consequences of not performing circumcision in some cases?

The benefit of circumcision is clearer when the narrowing of the skin at the tip of the penis does not allow satisfactory sexual intercourse because it prevents the foreskin from retracting. In other cases, in addition to relieving pain, swelling of this part during urination is avoided.

The problems that can result from not performing a circumcision in time are different. In the sexual sphere, it means the practice of painful sexual relations and that, in the end, entails a certain trauma and avoidance of practicing them. In addition, a narrowing of the skin increases the probability of generating fungi such as candidal balanitis.

On rare occasions it can generate a very painful and urgent problem to be solved, called paraphimosis. This consists in the fact that once the skin on the tip of the penis is lowered, it cannot return to its place, causing great discomfort.

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Will it affect the sensitivity of the penis and when having sex?

In principle it does not affect the sensitivity, but during the first six months after circumcision, the sensitivity will adjust and become equal to the previous situation. After a few months, the practice of sexual intercourse should be full. In case of any doubt or discomfort, it is recommended to visit the andrologist to analyze the case.

What advice and care should the patient follow during the following weeks?

The first two weeks after circumcision will be the most uncomfortable. After this period the situation will be more controlled and will gradually normalize.

At the beginning, what is most surprising is the number of nocturnal erections that are maintained and that will wake the patient up because they are uncomfortable and cannot be avoided. It is also surprising that during the first weeks, as the tip of the glans becomes inflamed due to rubbing against the underwear, it is common to urinate in the form of a “watering can”, and it is recommended that the patient urinate sitting on the toilet.

At this stage it is very important to maintain proper hygiene and disinfection of the operated area. Thus, cures with water, soap and antiseptic should be carried out twice a day. From the third week on, they will be done once a day.

During the first three weeks a wound dressing will also be used, mainly to go outside and further protect it from possible microorganisms.
