What is conscious sedation and what is it for

You may have heard of conscious sedation but not yet know exactly what it is. Conscious sedation is a technique that is usually applied intravenously and whose objective is to sedate the patient so that he/she does not feel pain during or after the treatment.

It facilitates the patient’s relaxation and is especially indicated for those people with a high level of stress, anxiety or fear before an intervention.

What exactly is administered to the patient?

The truth is that the anesthesia applied is a combination of anesthetics containing Midazolan, Fentanyl, Dexamethasone and other drugs that make the patient not notice anything at any time. The most important thing is that the patient will remain under the doctor’s supervision at all times, so there is nothing to worry about.

Conscious sedation is suitable for anyone who has to undergo treatment and whose anxiety and stress levels are triggered by the treatment. For example, it is very common to resort to this technique in patients with Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s or Down’s Syndrome and also for those who fear a visit to the dentist.

What are the benefits of conscious sedation?

As we have been saying so far, the main advantage for the patient is that he/she will not feel any pain or discomfort during the treatment. The patient will remain in a state of relaxation, will have a feeling of well-being and will avoid the worry caused by the intervention.

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On the other hand, it should also be noted that conscious sedation is a much safer method than local anesthesia, since the patient is controlled and monitored by an anesthesiologist. Therefore, any allergic reaction or pressure alteration can be corrected.

Now that you know what conscious sedation is and what its main benefits are, the next time you go to the dentist or undergo treatment, remember that this technique will help you get through it successfully.