
What is endolaser?

The endolaser, or endovenous laser treatment, is a minimally invasive technique for varicose veins. The treatment can be performed under local anesthesia without the need for sedation. Varicose veins can form anywhere but are most common in the legs as blood is pumped against the force of gravity.

The veins contain two valves that allow blood to circulate in one direction, but prevent it from circulating backwards. These valves can become defective and fail to close causing the blood to flow backwards and the vein to enlarge.

The treatment involves inserting an optical fiber into the vein to direct the laser into the vein.

Why use it?

Endolaser treatment can eliminate varicose veins. These are enlarged veins that often appear as bulges under the skin. Many people feel that varicose veins are unsightly and want to remove them for this reason. In some cases, varicose veins can cause considerable discomfort and should be removed.

What does it consist of?

The endolaser treatment consists of illuminating the veins with a laser. The heat from the laser damages the vein, causing it to close and eventually disappear. The procedure is minimally invasive and is an alternative to surgical treatments such as vein stripping.

The treatment involves inserting an optical fiber into the vein to direct the laser into the vein. Once the vein is damaged and forms scar tissue, it will die and disappear. The laser is moved along the vein to close its entire length. An ultrasound scanner is used to guide the laser.

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The procedure is performed using local anesthesia with the patient awake. The endolaser treatment can be performed in one hour in many cases.

How to prepare for it?

In preparing for endolaser treatment, a physician will evaluate each individual case and outline the risks. Although relatively safe, possible complications include skin burns, skin color changes, nerve damage and venous thrombosis.

Postoperative care

Some discomfort is expected after treatment, and patients are usually required to wear a compression stocking for a week after the procedure, however, they will be able to resume daily activity very quickly. For more information, consult a specialist.