
What is kleptomania?

Kleptomania is a mental disorder characterized by an uncontrolled and obsessive urge to steal.

What are the symptoms of kleptomania?

The main symptoms are:

  • Powerful impulse to steal objects that are not really needed.
  • Increasing tension that is relieved by stealing
  • Gratification or pleasure during stealing
  • Feelings of guilt or shame after the theft

What are the causes of kleptomania?

The exact cause of kleptomania is not known, but some risk factors are thought to exist:

  • Problems with serotonin: this is the substance that helps regulate emotions and moods.
  • Family history: having a family member with kleptomania, alcohol problems or obsessive-compulsive disorder may increase the risk.
  • Other mental illnesses: people with kleptomania usually have other mental illnesses as well, such as obsessive-compulsive disorder, impulse control disorders, anxiety, bipolar, substance abuse, eating disorders or personality disorders.

Brain injury or head injury

What is the treatment of kleptomania?

Kleptomania can be treated using a variety of techniques:

  • Psychotherapy: cognitive-behavioral therapy helps to identify negative behaviors and thoughts for positive ones. Other therapeutic techniques may include family therapy, couples therapy or psychodynamic therapy.
  • Medication: drugs such as antidepressants, mood stabilizers, anticonvulsants or opioid receptor antagonists may help to calm impulses.
  • Self-help groups: they run a 12-step program to end the disorder.
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