Therapeutic support

What is therapeutic support?

Therapeutic support is the activity carried out by a professional who is able to integrate into the patient’s daily life. He/she tries to listen, help and push the patient towards his/her future autonomy without forgetting the patient’s capacity for suffering and the difficulty of each episode. There are a number of people who have great difficulty in getting by from day to day. Attending college, planning a routine or the act of going to the doctor can be a real nightmare.

Why is it done?

This treatment is performed to provide the patient with greater autonomy, to help him/her to maintain or re-establish the links of his/her environment, family, social, work, mediating, preventing or accompanying the conflictive situations during his/her daily life, in order to favor a family support that helps recovery. It also prevents these problems from becoming chronic and subsequent social stigmatization.

The therapeutic companion is in charge of encouraging the willpower of his patients.

What does it consist of?

The therapeutic companion is responsible for encouraging the willpower of their patients, and from there find a source of energy to move forward. The therapeutic companion must get to know the patient, get to know him/her, empathize with him/her, in short, be able to find the best way to motivate him/her in order to help him/her.

Needs of a therapeutic companion

A patient may need a therapeutic companion in the following situations.

  • If he/she suffers from psychotic disorders such as: paranoia, schizophrenia, melancholia or bipolar disorders.
  • If the patient suffers from mood disorders, depression or bipolar disorders.
  • If you suffer from anxiety disorders, phobias or drug dependence.
  • If you suffer from eating disorders such as: bulimia or anorexia.
  • If you suffer from personality disorders.
  • If you suffer from severe behavioral disorders in childhood.
  • If you suffer from psychic illnesses in childhood or adolescence.
  • If the patient suffers from any psychiatric and neurological pathology of adult and old age.
  • If the patient suffers from obsessive neurosis, hysteria, anxiety neurosis, panic attacks or similar.
  • If the patient suffers from any clinical condition such as: cancer patients, HIV carriers, kidney problems, terminal patients or patients with motor or psychological disabilities.
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Requesting a therapeutic companion

The fact of requesting a therapeutic companion must be fully justified and should be done through:

  • Psychological specialists.
  • Family members.
  • The patient himself.