
What is Otoneurology?

Otoneurology, also known as Neurootology, is a subspecialty that combines aspects of Otology (branch of medicine that studies the characteristics of the ear and hearing pathologies) and Neurology (which analyzes the brain and the nervous system).

Therefore, Otoneurology is a branch that studies hearing disorders and how they are connected to the central nervous system.

In this sense, this specialty also deals with the study of how inner ear pathologies can degenerate into a balance disorder.

In this way, this discipline deals with all parts of the ear, the central and peripheral nerves connected to it, and how all this general structure is connected to the other structures of the body.

What pathologies does Otoneurology treat?

The dysfunctions and pathologies treated by Otoneurology are the following:

  • Infections of the ear and temporal bone: various types of otitis, meningitis, toxic, bacterial and syphilitic labyrinthitis.
  • Vascular disorders: labyrinthine infarction, ischemia, labyrinthine hemorrhage, Wallenberg syndrome.
  • Autoimmune diseases of the inner ear
  • Otosclerosis
  • Ear trauma: labyrinthine concussion, hearing loss due to trauma, perilymphatic fistula
  • Multiple sclerosis
  • Cranial and jaw disorders
  • Rehabilitation of vestibular (balance) function
  • Severe cases of vertigo
  • Ménière’s disease
  • Tumors of the temporal bone, posterior cranial fossa, middle ear, meningioma.

To diagnose and treat this type of pathology, the Otoneurology specialist verifies the function of the inner ear and cranial nerves by performing different tests and stimuli.

Some of the techniques used to perform this type of tests are:

  • Romberg test
  • Finger-nose coordination test
  • Frenzel glasses
  • Hot and cold water stimuli
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After performing these tests, the physician evaluates balance, by means of Electronystagmography, and records eye movements, by means of Electrooculography. Finally, a computerized static posturography is performed.

Once all the data is obtained, the physician establishes a prognosis to decide the best treatment for the patient. The therapy can be carried out by surgery, rehabilitation or medication.

When is it necessary to consult an otoneurologist?

It is important for the patient to consult an otoneurologist when he/she experiences symptoms that may indicate an otoneurological problem, such as hearing loss, facial paralysis and balance problems.

In any case, the Otoneurology specialist may consider the need for surgical intervention in some problems encountered during the visit.